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Interactive Computer Exhibits For Ages 3-8? 122

Johnny Mnemonic writes "My company has the opportunity to contribute to a children's museum in our area. We are a technology company, so I'd like the exhibit to be computer/networking related, and to raise the awareness and understanding of how the Internet, networking, and computers work. However, children's museums cater to a pretty young age group, 3-8 years old, so the the exhibit needs to be highly interactive, durable, tactile, and yet instructive of the concepts. Google fails to turn up any turn-key options, and, although the concepts are computer related, a computer-based exhibit tends to be too fragile and susceptible to withstand the rigors of 250 preschoolers/day. How would you design a display that meets these requirements and is still fun and educational?"
XBox (Games)

Gamerscore Hacking and Its Underground Economy 85

An anonymous reader writes "There's a writeup on SpywareGuide that explores the world of Xbox Gamerscore hacking, and how high Gamerscores are proving to be a big target for hackers and phishers. It also talks about how a recent release of a Gamerscore-altering program onto forums for hacking & cheating is proving to be lucrative business for both eBay sellers and those who want to artificially inflate a Gamerscore before selling that account, or trading it for credit card details."

Comment Re:doesn't sound too secure yet (Score 5, Informative) 367

x86 code runs natively on 90% of the processors out there. Java or .NET bytecode runs natively on about 0% of them (Sun did have a Java chip once but it is long dead). So it is hardly any worse than the alternatives. There are many x86 emulators and some of them have reasonable performance.

ARM Jazelle (in quite a number of the ARM revisions deployed all over the place) includes DBX for direct bytecode execution of Java. That includes the iphone and loads of other stuff.

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