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Comment Re:Now I'm no homophobe... (Score 1) 794

I'm open to that being a conscious choice.

Just because someone is a caffeine addict, with a biological urge to consume caffeine at 500 mg a day, doesn't mean they can't make a conscious choice not to consume caffeine at such an insane rate. It's called self control and impulse control.

Society already criticizes people on lack of impulse control for all kinds of things.

Comment Re:NO BLOOD FOR OIL!!! (Score 1) 688

I don't know what Obama's plan is, but I don't believe the bullshit about this isn't about oil.

And Obama's broken promise doesn't exactly make me trust him more.

And people on the thread arguing for your side, already said the US is right in this because it does have a vested interest in the oil.

Comment Re:What's the goal of it? (Score 1) 688

So....it's justification to topple a sovereign nation because

1. You have interest in their natural resource
2. Other countries don't like his stance like socialism (never would of thought a dictator could be a socialist, maybe a totalitarian could...)

Yeah very noble vested interests.

Comment Re:Biological basis for Teh Gay? (Score 1) 794

The birth order can also signify a social aspect to nature/nurture argument.

This does not prove causation either. We can just as easily say, a person with more older brothers are more likely to be homosexual because of their family situation.

It also said that the finger ratio for homosexual men and hetero were not significantly different. It only became significantly different when birth order came into play. This does not prove causation either.

It says it's more pronounced in female births due to hormonal abnormalities. The oppositions of LGT can argue that hormonal abnormalities can be fixed.

Also this suggests that prenatal androgen may influence sexual orientation in both sexes.
1. Emphasizes on the may. They're guessing, and they're researching it. It has not been conclusive yet.
2. Research saying it's prenatal androgen influencing both sexes, kind of goes against the theory that it's prenatal testosterone causing homosexual guys and prenatal estrogen causing homosexual girls. If they want to combine the theory, that's all and good.

I'm still not convinced and anyone who claims to be convinced by "mays" and "early research" are simply believing what they want to and looking for any hint of evidence to support them and running with it. Same behavior on both side of the debate.

Comment Re:What's the goal of it? (Score 1) 688

http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=2045354&cid=35546816 regarding why I don't trust either side about what happened to the cease fire. Could have just as easily been the rebels.

And as the West imposing their will. It's the West's thought that dictatorship is wrong. Not everyone opposes to not being in a democratically elected country. It's the West's will that everyone must have democratic elected government. Not everyone in Libya is backing the rebels, or it would be going more along the lines of Egypt.

Open rebellion doesn't mean they're right. Lots of countries have open rebellion and civil wars. It's not the place of outsiders with no vested interest to interfere. This is a civil war and the West will regret AGAIN with interfering with another country, time and time again.

My best example is how much Al quada loves the US after the US went into their country and armed Al quada.

Comment Re:What's the goal of it? (Score 1) 688

No I don't trust this Ghaddaffi, but if there are ties to terrorism, than I feel it's vindicated with the Westerns constant encroachment into the Middle East's sovereignty. The US 'armed' the al-Qaeda they are fighting now. The US has seeded unrest and discourse in the Middle East for generations. If they fight back, it's out of necessity against a larger force and they fight back the only way they can, striking at civilians till the civilians stop their own military.

I also don't trust the rebel forces. If I was the rebel, and I wanted to push for a fight. And the other side called a ceasefire. I would break the ceasefire and blame the "tyrant" and keep the fight going. The rebels aren't to be trusted either.

Comment Re:Does that include building a time machine? (Score 1) 688

Ghaddafi still has more loyalist. But why should he let his own loyalist die when he can hire mercenaries to defend them against insurgents.

My comment on some military was a comparison with Egypt's military support and the fewer that is neither helping the rebels nor staying on Ghaddafi's side.

And I'm from Massachusetts and sick and tired of the Westerners imposing their will upon the Middle East at the expense of our own people.

Comment Re:A very sad day (Score 1) 688

The Libyans weren't trying to secede peacefully. They were trying to overthrow Gaddafi by force. Protests of late have been very violent. The difference? Egypt had popular revolution force backed by the military. Libyans? No. Minority.

Comment Re:Now I'm no homophobe... (Score 1) 794

Depends what the KKK app does. If the KKK app spouts nonsense about white supremacy and why they should not be minority-sympathizers, then yeah, I'd say to allow it, because it's their right as expressed by the society.

There are things out there that claim why men or women are inferior, and I think they have a right too exist too.

And I think anti-semantic taglines should be admissible as well.

Reparative therapy is a tool, and like any tool can be harmful or helpful. Reparative therapy techniques have been used in legitimate physiological therapy.

Visualization? Social Skills Training? Therapy? Interventions?

The big thing that comes to mind is all the effort dumped into the Autistic.

It's all a matter of perspective.

I have yet to see any credible research make a solid determination as to homosexuality being biological. The hormone difference is contradictory to itself. And there have been no evidence like evolution's evidence.
And in light of that, and even despite any future credible research, people should still have their right to their bigoted views. They should only be restricted on their actions that act upon others.

You have your right to say those things too, and I agree with your view that they are "sexist, egotistical, hypocritical bigots". But this isn't about the greater fight of LGT, this is about their right to an app.

Comment Re:Not related in the least... (Score 1) 688

It's not a popular democratic uprising.

Egypt was a popular democratic uprising and they didn't need the Western help.

This is a minority rebel uprising. And won't succeed without Western help. And the longer the fighting, the more the causality. It makes sense for the standing sovereign to use any means possible to end the fighting as fast as possible.

See the difference?

Comment Re:Bombing for peace... (Score 1) 688

Didn't the US use indiscriminate force in Iraq? Didn't Saddam surround himself with civilians and the US bombed them anyways? The West stinks of hypocrisy and that's why they're hated around the world.

Aren't the US troops still killing innocent civilians in Iraq and pay restitution out of tax money?

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