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Comment Re:Spatial made sense (Score 1) 311

Not OP but, for one, it mostly removes the need for a split view and tabs. You just place the few windows you'll use on the screen and drag and drop whatever files you want to move or copy. But I can see how a true split view could be nicer sometimes.

As it remembers the last position of your windows (screen and scrollbar), it makes navigating your most frequently used folders real easy, as you can just memorize their positions without noticing.

Regarding the window management points, there are menu actions (with associated hotkeys) to close entire hierarchies of folders or all the windows. To go 'up' you can use the parent folders list in the bottom corner of the window, or press either backspace or Alt-up. That is still less convenient than the back button, though, but the parent folder's window should still be at the top of the window stack after the child's.

As for long jumps, the spatial mode still has the tree view, at least here on Ubuntu (but I doubt they just patched something so big themselves). Also, there is Ctrl-l to get an address bar with auto-completion. Though I'd wish it showed you a list with the possible completions...

But I guess this is all a matter of workflow. I got used to it and now it is all in my fingers.


Web-based IDEs Edge Closer To the Mainstream 244

snitch writes "Last week Mozilla released Bespin, their web-based framework for code editing, and only a few days later Boris Bokowski and Simon Kaegi implemented an Eclipse-based Bespin server using headless Eclipse plug-ins. With the presentation of the web-based Eclipse workbench at EclipseCon and the release of products like Heroku, a web-based IDE and hosting environment for RoR apps, it seems that web-based IDEs might soon become mainstream."

Comment Re:How's about for Economics / Business / Marketin (Score 1) 517

That's the problem with marketing. A mass of soulless ghouls chasing little bits of paper and completely incapable of imagining a universe where every tangible object and intangible concept isn't stamped with a little yellow price tag.

Hold on right there mister!

We are not just talking about bean-counting here, we are talking about the workings of society. The fact that you mistake the study of enterprise and economy for advertising and accounting only speaks of you.

The very fact that you produce stuff independently that serves other people's needs makes you an entrepreneur by definition, even if you don't seek to maximize profits, or profits at all.

Perhaps you should look a bit more into it before flamin' away in teh intertubes, for right now you are in the unenviable position of being corrected by a lame CS undergrad.


City In Georgia Planning Virtual World For Civic Interaction 39

GamePolitics reports that Decatur, Georgia is looking into the development of a virtual environment to "encourage community networking, improve civic engagement, and promote economic development in the city." They've put out a request for ideas (PDF) on how to adapt a blending of MMOs and social networking to suit a city's civic needs. "The virtual environment should mimic, though not necessarily mirror, the layout and visual aspects of the City within the defined geographic area." They also want it to be avatar-based, friendly to businesses, and have a "fun and intuitive interface."
It's funny.  Laugh.

If Programming Languages Were Religions 844

bshell writes "With Christmas around the corner I know we are all thinking about religion, or at least maybe wondering why this one religion dominates the rest for these few weeks. A fellow named Rodrigo Braz Monteiro (amz) posted this list comparing each programming language to a religion. Guaranteed to make you chuckle and generate a good long thread here on slashdot. Great way to pass the time as work winds down this week and we relate to our own programming faiths during this very special time of year. Merry PHPmas." Fortunately Pastafarianism is referenced.

Comment Re:Women don't want to do CS? (Score 1) 1563

Oh, yes, indeed the differing participation in Computer Science of women may be of a mostly biological origin. The point is, that we don't know if it actually is. We know that there are very good (and obvious) reasons why a job involving heavy lifting might be dominated by men.

Claiming to know that physiological differences are the origin of the vastly different enrollment rates in CS schools of men and women is an ass pull.


Opera Mini Not Rejected From iPhone (Yet) 202

danaris writes in to inform us that John Gruber has done some digging on the reported rejection from the App Store of Opera Mini, and has written up his findings. Some choice excerpts: "My understanding, based on information from informed sources who do not wish to be identified because they were not authorized by their employers, is that Opera has developed an iPhone version of Opera Mini — but they haven't even submitted it to Apple, let alone had it be rejected. ... If what they've done for the iPhone is [to get] a Java ME runtime running on the iPhone — it's clearly outside the bounds of the iPhone SDK Agreement. ... What Opera would need to do to have a version of Opera Mini they could submit to the App Store would be to port the entire client software to the C and Objective-C APIs officially supported on the iPhone. It could well be that even then, Apple would reject it from the App Store on anti-competitive grounds — but contrary to this week's speculation, that has not happened."

Submission + - OSS used to punish competition is bad biz (news.com)

Technical Writing Geek writes: "Oliver Alexy of Technische Universität München (TUM) Business School has written an interesting paper entitled "Putting a Value on Openness: The Effect of Product Source Code Releases on the Market Value of Firms." It says if a vendor is more worried about pulverizing its competitors than it is in serving its customers, the investment markets recognize this and punish its stock.



Submission + - Greatest Widget Toolkit for C/C++

Twinbee writes: "I'm a C/C++ programmer looking to expand into the world of the GUI. The ideal widget toolkit should be cross-platform, but adhere to the native widgets where possible. It should also be simple to use with the shortest code possible, yet flexible and mature to suit large-scale projects. Finally, the applications should all run like greased lightning and have decent WYSIWYG GUI editors if possible.

After a cursory look, it would seem there are so many; wxWidgets, Ultimate++, JUCE, GTK, QT, V, Fox, Lgi, WTL, ZooLib, and SmartWin. After experiencing some of the horrors with the Win32 API, which of these are worth trying out?"

Submission + - Unofficial URI-patch for Windows (heise-security.co.uk)

dg2fer writes: For more than two month, the vulnerability of parsing URIs is known for several Windows programms, including Outlook, Adobe Reader, IRC clients and many more.

The latest Microsoft patches published for October did not include a solution for the URI problem, so according to an article on heise security hackers started to solve the problem theirselfes and published an unofficial patch which cleans up the critical parameters of URI system calls before calling the vulnerable Windows system function.

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