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Comment Re:As trustworthy as a Bernie Madoff (Score 1) 236

Not so sure about that "easy to use website" part.. Your enthusiasm piqued my interest, but when I find a bug in their "Utilities" within 30 seconds of browsing their site, it doesn't speak well for their services. "Response object error 'ASP 0156 : 80004005' Header Error /inc/AccessControl.asp, line 237 The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content."

Comment Re:Laws (Score 1) 698

There's actually a huge number of us that believe this way. What we lack is the critical mass of fanatics required to organize a threat to the status quo. That's because those of us that recognize governing is not black or white are, more often than not, intelligent enough to at least consider an opposing point of view.

Comment For our own good.. (Score 1) 703

We should be focusing on the threat of an asteroid colliding with our planet. The logistics of destroying or redirecting an asteroid are difficult, but finding another inhabitable planet that we could reach without light-speed is such a statistical improbability that it feels like a lower priority to me.

I don't have the numbers, but I'd wager that it's more likely that another intelligent lifeform would find us first.

Comment Re:RIP Micron (Score 1) 137

I'll agree. I was a loyal customer for 15 years. Their support was absolutely top notch. I never had to wait more than 10 seconds when calling them and only once did I ever need to escalate a call beyond the first person to answer.

I think this is what put them out of business. The PC industry is a race to the bottom. Price is king these days and if you aren't willing to sacrifice your quality in the name of more profits, you will be replaced by someone else who is.

This is a very sad day for me.


Submission + - What's the best chair for a geek? 2

Uglor writes: My latest in a long line of cheap office chairs broke, spilling me to the floor in a less than dignified manner. I need to buy a new chair for my desk at home. For the last several years I have been buying the same generic $50 black executive office chair. They usually last a year or two, then break. I spend 8 hours at work in a pretty decent office chair, then usually come home and spend several hours more in front of my computer. I'd like to buy a decent new one that will actually last. Does anyone have suggestions?

My criteria are:

1. Tough: I spend 12 hours a day in a chair. I'm hefty, so the chair needs to support me.
2. Comfortable: I want to be able to stand up from a 6 hour gaming session without my ass being numb.
3. Affordable: The less the better. More than the $50 cheapies I normally buy is ok, but no $1000 Aerons.
PC Games (Games)

Submission + - CCP Announces EVE Online Linux & Macintosh Cli (eve-online.com) 1

OS24Ever writes: "As announced earlier in this forum thread, Revelations 2.3 will be deployed on Tuesday, 6 November. This patch will contain a number of fixes which can all be viewed here, but most importantly it contains formal support for Mac OS X and Linux! If you would like to have a sneak preview of what it is going to be like playing on the supported OS of your choice. Beta clients are available to download now and to connect to the test 'Multiplicity' Server. Users with a valid account on October 2nd, 2007 (last date of data copy) can join up now."

Submission + - Journalist Test Drives The Pain Ray Gun (dailymail.co.uk)

Fantastic Lad writes: This machine has the ability to inflict limitless, unbearable pain. When turned on, Raytheon's 'Silent Guardian' emits an invisible, focused beam of radiation — similar to the microwaves in a domestic cooker — that are tuned to a precise frequency to stimulate human nerve endings. It can throw a wave of agony nearly half a mile. Because the beam penetrates skin only to a depth of 1/64th of an inch, it cannot, says Raytheon, cause visible, permanent injury. The demo model looks like a small speaker. (Image) With practical application is just around the corner, I wonder if anybody at that trade show was selling Faraday body suits. . ?

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