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Comment Re:Reminds me... (Score 1) 402


Are the checks really that bad at that border??? I would be surprised. Back here they show us NatGeo documentaries about how brutally efficient US border patrols are at keeping out Mexicans, using all sorts of new fangled equipment :)

It would be especially absurd since I know for a fact that Mexicans cannot even do a transit flight through the US. (for example fly from Brussels to NY to get a connection to Mexico. Even if the Airport transit zone is supposed to be just that, a transit zone, not part of actual US territory... absurd...

Comment Re:Reminds me... (Score 1) 402

Your point being??

I do not care what others do.

My experience is just that I have to provide my CC numbers and be charged without even as much as an explanation (why, are my CC data safe, why is the fee as high as it is...) before I can even talk to someone.

In that respect the US are behaving no better than dirty Mexican border patrolmen that want you to give them some money (because I guess that is what you are implying)

Comment Re:Reminds me... (Score 1) 402

But not all organizations pretend to be the ultimate defenders of the FREE world.

Freedom and justice for all and all hat stuff...

Should be "Freedom and Justice for all... IF and WHEN it suits US"

(pun intended with those caps ;)

Comment Re:Reminds me... (Score 5, Interesting) 402

Well just so you know, I live in Belgium and if I want to get my paperwork to travel to the US I have to CALL the US embassy (I cannot just go there, no sir, we're all terrorist here in Europe, you see) and without so much as getting a human operator to respond, like to - I don't know, ask me what the hell I want - I just have to hand over my CC number so I can be charged xx dollars, just to get them to make an appointment.

I find that very disturbing, off putting and blatantly rude... It is not because the US can do that that it bloody should. I do not want to go to the US but sometimes the circumstances force me to, but when I do I am treated like a piece of s**t with no rights... It really makes me want to go through all the hassle of getting my visa, then canceling my card and getting a new one.

Comment Re:NSFW (Score 1) 582

Lol... at least we don't get up in arms when somebody shows a nipple on telly or when somebody says f**k on the radio.

Also, we don't go about meddling in other peoples backyard, telling them what to do and not do... free speech I hear you say?

I'll take our version of freedom any day...


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