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Comment Re:Other countries should start policing Internet (Score 1) 343

And that discouragement is exactly what he's pointing to. Unfortunately, I agree with you: Anyone who's smart enough to be deterred by the possible repercussions of texting + driving or whatever is going to be smart enough to realize it's a fucking stupid idea to begin with.

The real problem here is the vast majority of Americans are of the mindset that everything is perfectly okay until they're explicitly told otherwise -- and even then there has to be a punishment strict enough that the perceived benefits don't outweigh the penalty to prevent them from going ahead and doing it anyway.

Comment Re:Burn your PS2 games (Score 1) 145

When did you damn kids get so uppity about backwards compatibility? Not even three generations ago it was (almost) completely unheard of and no one cared. Did you also troll discussions involving Nintendo when they dropped GB support from the DS (and again when GBA support was dropped from the DSi)? How about the 360's (initially) piss-poor backwards compatibility and Sega's complete ignorance of the concept? I could keep going, but I think the direction I'm heading with this is fairly obvious: Terrible troll is terrible.

In any event, if you have a stack of PS2 games, I'm assuming you also own a PS2. In which case, why not just use that and... you know... stop bitching? If this is not the case, then you're clearly not doing your research (hint: There are PS3 systems that have varying degrees of backwards compatibility). Try taking a good look at your options, pick one and move on with your life -- the internet does not care about your inability to solve problems.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play some PS2 games on my EE-equipped PS3. Good day.

Comment Re:Apple "It Just Works" (Score 1) 595

Anyone with half a brain should be able to identify the overlapping functionality from both screenshots you posted. The only thing that set me back for a second was that the shuffle/repeat options on the iPhone UI look more like status icons than buttons, so I overlooked them at first.

In any event, this isn't even a fair comparison. First, that looks like an old version of the default skin for the Android music player. Secondly, I've yet to see two Android devices which have the same (default) UI for the music player. For instance, my Xperia X10 is closer to the iPhone UI you posted than the Android one. But whatev.

Comment Re:As always, make yourself known (Score 1) 597

The problem I see with this is the ridiculous litigation that seems to be common place as of late.

I like to think I'm a fairly decent programmer/designer, but I'm in no way prepared to deal with a patent troll in the event I come up with the Next Big Thing (tm) and accidentally infringe on a few hundred patents. Nor am I prepared to handle the opposite: Inventing something great and having someone either steal it or copy it without even acknowledging me.

I suppose working for Fatty McFatcat isn't all bad. Though, I won't argue that it couldn't be better.

Comment Re:A Natural Progression Yet So Many Caveats (Score 1) 578

Definitely agree. Plus, the more wordy you make the language, the more likely people are to make mistakes. Just think of all the times that people misuses then/than, loose/lose on internet comments *shudder* If you get your basic syntax mixed up like that when programming, you are going to have problems.

Hrmm... I half agree with you.
I definitely agree in that once you learn one or two languages, picking up others is a matter of learning syntax and some common libraries. However, I think the real problem with people typing like jackasses is because "you knew what I meant, so whatever; no reason to fix it" (which doesn't exactly work in any programming language I've ever heard of). Now, while a language like the one being discussed may not turn Joe Sixpack into a programming virtuoso, it may make him/her more mindful of silly grammar mistakes and errors which may translate into them not looking silly when they write emails and texts.

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