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Comment Re:Well, he's not afraid his company might fire hi (Score 1) 486

there should be no worries about medical records being leaked and/or used against individuals or organizations since the IRS will keep those safe for all of us.

No, the ACA does not allow the IRS to access your medical records.

They're so eager to begin, they simply walked in and seized without explanation approximately *sixty million* medical records in California

The allegation is that they exceeded the authority of a warrant and demanded copies of servers containing records for ten million people from an unnamed company. Is it true? Neither you nor I know. But the suit is unrelated to the ACA.

Comment Re: Fine by me (Score 4, Informative) 153

duckduckgo returns whatever bing returns :) It's just an anonymizing front end to bing.

No. It's not.: "DuckDuckGo gets its results from over 50 sources, including DuckDuckBot (our own crawler), crowd-sourced sites (in our own index), Yahoo! (through BOSS),, WolframAlpha, EntireWeb, Bing, Yandex, and Blekko." Please don't FUD on the Duck.

Comment Re: I can't wait to see this battle (Score 1) 716

The API comes with terms of service.

Meaningless. As Google has argued itself, an API is not subject to copyright, therefore you cannot impose TOS on someone writing code that uses it.

I'm no fan of MS, but Google sucks also. Google doesn't get to tell MS what sort of software MS can write. It's a remarkable and accidental occurrence, but it looks like MS is on the side of software freedom here.

Comment Re:It will be used by your kid (Score 1) 551

I mean, in most rampages so far, we have seen the perpetrators use long guns.

No. Not only have plenty of rampage shooters used handguns, some have used revolvers.

Campo Elias Delgado killed between 26 and 30 people (accounts differ and some may have been killed by police in the crossfire) and wounded 15 with a knife and a single revolver..

Wellington Menezes de Oliveira killed 12 (not including himself) and wounded 12, using two revolvers and firing over 60 shots.

Charles Andrew Williams killed 2 people and wounded 13 with a single revolver.

Thomas Hamilton, the Dunblane shooter, killed 17 people (not including himself) and wounded 15 more. He had four handguns: two six-round revolvers and two 9mm pistols.

George Hennard, the Luby's shooter, killed 23 (not including himself) and wounded 20 with two semi-automatic handguns.

Jiverly Antares Wong, the Binghamton shooter, killed 13 people (not including himself) and wounded four more with two handguns.

Nidal Malik Hasan, the Foot Hood shooter, fired 214 rounds from a single handgun, killing 13 people and wounding 13.

Patrick Henry Sherrill, the Edmond post office shooter, killed 14 people and wounded six. He had three handguns and fired approximately 50 rounds.

Howard Unruh killed 13 people and wounded 3 with a Luger (a handgun).

The demonization of rifles is completely irrational, not just in terms of their overall use in homicides but in terms of their use in spree shootings.

Comment Re:It will be used by your kid (Score 1) 551

Guns should be feared. If someone points a gun at you then you should be afraid, even if you have your own gun.

The proper object of fear here is the person pointing the gun. If someone seriously threatens to kill me, you bet your ass I'll be afraid, whether they have a gun, a knife, a baseball bat, or their own hands and feet. (More people are murdered via hands and feet than via either rifles or via blunt objects.)

Personally I think we are better off not living in the wild west, where our only protection is a revolver and our posse.

It is a fact of human existence that the only direct protection a person has against someone intent on violence is their own ability to use defensive force ("a revolver"), or the ability and willingness of others to use force on their behalf ("our posse"). That's true whether you live in ancient Rome, the Wild West (which was probably not as "Wild" as our mythology makes it out to be), a gang-controlled part of a city, or a low-crime gated community.

Indirect forms of protection, where we have socioeconomic, educational, criminal justice, and mental health care systems that don't lead to people developing along violent lines or make serious efforts at reform if they do, may have more overall impact. But when a crazed stalker breaks into your home, it's past the time where those can come into play.

Comment Re:Why not just 0? (Score 1) 996

I don't believe it is actually legal to make a refusal an admission of DWI. But they can make the penalty the same.

No, they can't.. DWI is a crime and can land you in jail. Declining a search or declining to testify is never a crime, and can at best lead to a revocation of a privilege (driving on the public roads).

Comment Re:Why not just 0? (Score 1) 996

Since the comparison is between trying to generally reduce access to firearms and an attempt to reduce drunk driving deaths, the relevant death comparison is all gun deaths and all drunk driving deaths.

No, it's not, because the majority of those "gun deaths" would simply take place via other means if guns magically vanished, not to mention that legal attempts to reduce access to firearms have always failed; while drunk driving deaths would not occur at all if drunk driving magically stopped. (Whether legal attempts to reduce drunk driving have worked is an open question; they've generally been accompanied by public awareness campaigns that may have had more to do with any observed effect than an increase in legal penalties.)

Comment Re:why does your phone need software running on yo (Score 0) 519

Anything you disable, will re-start shortly and cannot be uninstalled (without rooting and voiding warranty).

Voiding warranty, my eye. If you don't root your gorram phone., it's not "yours" in any meaningful sense. If a hardware problem develops, do a factory reset and send it back for a replacement

So, yeah...unwanted services on my phone, not an issue.

Comment Re:Good to know (Score 1) 200

freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say whatever you like

Uh, yes, actually, that's exactly what it means.

Restrictions can be placed on where, when, and how you say it in order to protect the rights of others (you don't have a right to blare it from loudspeakers at 3am and disturb my right to reasonable peace and quiet, you don't have a right to say it while waving a knife and disturb my right to reasonable safety, etc.), but in terms of content, you can say whatever you damn well please. Any government that doesn't recognize that doesn't recognize freedom of speech.

Comment Re:why does your phone need software running on yo (Score 1) 519

You're really that much of a Linux-centric jackoff that you're not even familiar with the basic fucking equivalent terminology from another operating environment?

Linux-centric, yes, and I may or may not be a jackoff. But I suppose what I'm asking is what basic fucking equivalent is involved here? When I plug my phone into my PC, it becomes either a standard USB external drive or (once rooted and with the right tethering app on the phone) a standard USB modem. I don't have to run any vendor-provided application software on my PC for it to talk to my what's the fucking equivalent? Thanks.

Comment Re:Would most people be better off undiagnosed? (Score 1) 329

CBT does not work with untreated schizophrenia spectrum disorders

The evidence is tiny because there is enormous pressure to treat schizophrenia with drugs; but it disagrees with your assertion. "CBT is a feasible treatment for people with schizophrenia who are not prescribed antipsychotic medication. It may be a valuable alternative to medication in treating symptoms of schizophrenia."

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