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Comment Coming Soon... (Score 1) 134

Uplay hacked and now redundant as using the hack is undetectable as they can't tell the legitimate from the illegitimate codes. Queue restart of used games market. It is kind of like having a stick with a carrot on the end of it except your stick can be hacked :P

Comment Re:Sweet (Score 1) 146

What people forget about NASA is that Space Shuttle and missions to Mars are to keep the public interest to ensure they don't forget about NASA and to ensure it doesn't just get axed completely in the next round of budget cuts. Private sector involvement is nice and all but there is plenty of worthwhile missions that won't fly under a private company.

Comment Good news but... (Score 1) 131

There is a reason IBM's developers have been given to work on the project too. To ensure IBM gets heavy influence on what is merged and probably because it will be difficult like other said

I imagine IBM want to get so involved, nobody else will want to with Open Office of the big corporates. Not a bad thing really as long as IBM don't muck it up. At the moment, I don't really see the point of Libre Office until IBM begin to screw up Open Office as it is essentially a similar code base and they are working toward mostly similar goals.

Comment Re:You can search unnecessary people you want (Score 1) 134

Microsoft is NOT good at this.

Just like in the mobile OS space, they are years late and several dollars short.

Late to mobile? Windows Mobile was around for years, almost a decade when they killed it. Microsoft's problem is it copies its competitors and offers little new when their own strategy isn't working. Phone 7 is an iPhone clone that is promising to be friendlier to hackers to get developers on board and using a Nokia deal to try to grab marketshare.

Ms had a greate mobile product with Windows Mobile that had some problems that they never managed to solve to make a pleasant user experience and decided to sack most of the team and base Phone 7 off Zune and go again with the lessons they had learned from Windows Mobile, the same lessons their competitors learned and stole their market share away from them and then people claim Apple did it first. Having worked on Windows Mobile devices, its problems were mostly that they never seemed to recover from that initial phase of rushed development to get something out there and the need to support those mistakes prevented the platform moving forward properly.

Comment American Airline Security Is Crazy (Score 1) 1017

I was in America a few years ago now so it might changed (if anything for the worse by the looks of this) but when going through security for a national flight, I had to take shoes and crap off that I didn't have to do in Ireland (had to take anything metallic off in Ireland to get through security gate because it set off metal detector obviously). I didn't need a visa because Ireland was exempt at the time (not sure if that is still the case) although America has security in Ireland who take finger prints etc... before Irish Citizens can go to the US. Anyway I got to America off my Aer Lingus flight which was fine and then after a few days was going to San Fran from LA and security was a nightmare, the flight was so late and we were put on the plane and then taken off again and told we'd be put on a different plane by American Airlines. Our luggage was lost and they told us it had a tag to get to San Fran and they were sure it would turn up which is unbelievable in itself but 3 days later it turned up and my iPod Video had been stolen out of it (luckily I had already broken it :P). I've been on about 10 flights with Ryanair who are notorious for bad flight experiences and not once have I ever had such a poor experience, even when I got my flights for free. I can't believe American's put up with domestic flights like this to be honest. I thought American's knew how to stand up for themselves and good customer service.

Comment They are trying too hard (Score 1) 147

You don't need to get the source for VLC or even use an Open Source project. Just learn how to make an installer for the appropriate platform. A .dmg file for OSX, a .deb for use with gDebi or equivalent depending on distro for Linux and a nullsoft installer for windows. You could package it with the most common media player for any of those plaforms and if it is the bundled one, just claim it has some new feature and lie about the version number to get users to install the software and ensure it isn't tidied up properly afterwards during uninstall. I'm not sure how well that work on platform other than Windows but I've written windows Nullsoft installers and know I could get away with it. As always the lesson is only use trusted sources.

Comment The eternal problem of a WebOS (Score 3, Insightful) 136

You need an OS powerful enough to run a web browser with multiple tabs and flash. At this stage the processor requirement is high enough to make the costs not competitive against a full featured desktop OS so your asking your users to cut off their nose to spite their face. Unfortunately the logic doesn't work, not even for dumbo the office salesmen/marketing person. They can all spot the con when they see the price tag. In order for a WebOS to take off like this is basically trying to be, you need to have a price tag of about a 100 Euro at which point, you can't provide the hardware necessary and satisfy the hardware manufacturers profit margin needs. Rock and a hard place unfortunately. Then you have the additional problems of connectivity on top of that. For the 50 Euro extra (not even in some cases). Also, the review shows tellingly that there was never a worse time to kill Google Gears for offline access since clicking your excel file can't open it in Google Docs. A clever interface with Google Gears could have made a short development time frame to get that implemented. Just looks like Google doesn't have a full realised idea here and has implemented the theoretical idea in full without trying to test it properly with user needs when the connection drops.

Comment Capability to dock with ISS? (Score 1) 36

It should at least have this capability shouldn't it? It can be in higher orbit on its own but should be able to dock with ISS so we can launch a mission to replace ISS crew and refuel this refueling robot in one mission before it moves back to its original orbit. Seems like that could be an efficient way of running it. If nothing else, it needs to be able to dock with ISS to be repaired and for maintenance surely?

Comment Re:Good for Pop-Cap (Score 2) 104

EA only pursued the new IP line because people stopped buying their iteration titles. They said it at a meeting with their shareholders demanding answers for falling profits about a year or two before Mirror's Edge was released. Games like The Sims and Simcity were created by Maxis and published in endless iterations with mostly just new content and a bit of polish on the graphics for years. Seriously, what EA did with these IP's is nothing the community wouldn't have done if they had opened the games up to modding like other gaming companies such as Valve. Just look at the user created items in TF2 or mods for things like Doom 3 or even the original Doom where almost every texture in the game is reworked and often new weapons/models added because the people playing the game enjoy making them. EA's strategy is milk it until it stops producing milk then slaughter it. It is easy to claim all companies want to do this but there are some out there that aren't quite so hardcore in this approach and support their communities in order to ensure they are on board for their next game as a strategy to maximise their bottom lines in a way in which the community and the company both win.

Comment The Chinese don't need to take unnecessary risks (Score 0) 102

People talking about Chinese Astronauts dying and being covered up are conspiracy theorists. China has enough money and isn't racing anyone that they can take their time and do it right. Even if they do have an accident, there is no obvious reason why they would cover it up and a cover up may be difficult to do given the number of eyes that would be on such a mission. This isn't the cold war, media is much more widespread and the Chinese can get around their firewall whenever they want to even though it comes with risks but many still do so. I think some people like to think China is worse than it is.

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