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Comment Nerds in general (Score 3, Informative) 639

I am sure I am going to maybe offend some of the men on here. I have mostly dated nerds or a variation of a nerd, like the art nerd, etc. I also dated two people that didn't even like computers. We went out clubbing, out to the movies, restaurants or a play, out hiking, biking, etc. We had many more conversations about a wide range of subjects. I liked the non nerd men in certain ways, but they weren't as caring as the nerdy ones though.

I am not much of a gamer, and that was a big big problem in my nerd relationships. I mean I work predominately in IT, do you think I would want to spend my remaining free time on a computer? Hell no, I like living life. :) My last boyfriend was a hopeless nerd, god love him, but I can't be with someone that is socially awkward, a weeper to boot and spends his life playing games online.

I think the problem with nerdy men is that they feel comfy in their little boxed in life, which I think is a tad bit sad. I would rather experience life than be afraid of it. I am not saying that the nerdy ones are all like this, but nerds take a loooong time to grow into themselves. I am a notorious reformer. I have stopped that at this point, I gave up on nerds. Just my two cents.

Comment Re:That's just economic development (Score 1) 494

A 30K max out on salary for an assembly job is not what I would call living in luxury. Especially if you have a wife and two kids and rely on a steady income. If you are single, it is hard to live on that kind of salary also.

There are some "great" assembly jobs here in the US. The Sony plant near here (Pittsburgh) I think hires people in at $9.75 an hour, yuppers that is some high living. You can definitely cover everything on that salary, pfft.

I doubt they will pay the Polish workers a "living wage" either.

Comment Re:That's just economic development (Score 1) 494

I agree with you partially about economic development, but honestly it is about greed, corporate greed. And I have nothing against Dell. I use bought a new Inspiron. I have had great luck with Dell, so I stuck with those laptops. The only two computers that I ever bought that didn't go to shit after two years were Dell and Apple products.

And it isn't even that much of a savings or profit for Dell, what a couple percentage points to move their operations and exploit Polish workers instead of Irish workers? Honest hard working people will give what three to five to seven years of their lives and scrape by on a 30K max out? Yeah!!!!

When I read stories like this, all I think is, I better hold onto the potatoes I have, meh.

-It is easy to halve the potato where there is love.- Irish saying

Comment Re:If you can get it, take it! (Score 1) 233

I don't completely agree with that. It depends on your bills and your lifestyle. If you need to pay them, you will be taking a part time job to supplement your unemployment. Heck, I know people that work under the table and make 400 bucks a week delivering pizza or they tend bar.

I live well below my means now, I didn't in the the past, but I set up my life to now because I had an opportunity to pay off my debts and I damn well was not going to incur debt again, it is the consumer cycle and well I am not much of a consumer. I am on unemployment now. I have been since last April. The government has given me close to a year's worth UC. I took that time and finished my college degree in December.

Right now I have about two months left on UC. I am lucky because I set up my life to live very frugally. I don't have a new car, or a mortgage payment anymore, even though I want a new car and a townhouse. My apartment is nice, but it isn't mine, I can't have pets which sucks. But, the thing is, that is the way it had to be for me to finish college. I have investments that I wish I could live off of, but I can't, I need a job for living expenses. Pennsylvania's site always works, no problems there. I am hoping to find a job in the next two months, I have only had one call in the past week and I am considering taking it even though it is not ideal. But that is the way things are, so I guess I should be grateful.

My point is well, you have to do what you have to do to pay your bills, but there is a ton of part time work in PA. Part time means you don't have health care though. I don't feel guilty about being on UC so long, I have worked for fifteen years and I have been on UC twice. This time it is a lot worse though and I am scared I am not going to find something that great, but hey you have to be optimistic. I will start worrying in about a month if nothing changes, LOL

Comment Re:Alan Cox? (Score 1) 163

Guaranteed they are probably both hermits, even though I have never heard of either one of these people before reading about them on this site, most programmers seem to be or eventually want to be hermits. I might be a little unfair on that though. I don't know.

Regardless they are probably don't realize how lucky they are, I wish I had a kick ass job where I could work out of my house.

Comment Re:Alan Cox? (Score 1) 163

Yeah, porn star, because computers and porn are synonymous. Pfft....

Ten years is a long time to dedicate yourself to something. I think someone that decides on a new endeavor and new challenges is commendable. :)

Comment Re:Alan Cox? (Score 1) 163

I knew Alan Cox the DJ from Pittsburgh. He is in Chicago now I think. I guess the computer guru Alan Cox is in Wales. Maybe they will want to switch lives and see what happens. :)

I have a fairly common name too and sometimes wonder if the other people with my name are having a better time with their lives than I am, maybe both Alan's should stay where they are, LOL

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