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Comment Re:Meet the new boss (Score 2) 359

You can unlock all of the newer nexus devices with the "fastboot oem unlock" command. You can also easily add root access (not that I have ever encountered a time when I needed it). Factory images are provided at https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images. I've set up and built my own OS for my Nexus 7 in an evening. This weekend I easily installed the current test image for Ubuntu on it too. And when I was done I switched back to android by using the aforementioned factory image. The only issue I've had was waiting on updates for my Galaxy Nexus on Verizon and that was easily fixed by easily unlocking and flashing a new image built from the source that Google released. I don't see what your problem is.

Comment Re:Bullshit bullshit bullshit (Score 2) 630

I graduated in 2010 and had absolutely no problems getting a job. In fact, I started a semester before I officially graduated. What really helped me is that I had been working with some form of programming since I was in middle school. In high school I really started to focus on it, so that by the time I got to college I was far ahead of most of the other students. I continued to do work outside of what was assigned while others did not.

I believe a formal education is important but you really need to go beyond that to get a good job. Otherwise you do end up doing IT work because you haven't set yourself apart. So many of the students I knew in college chose their major by how much money they were told they would make. They didn't put in any effort and did the bare minimum required. Others did well but never thought about things outside of textbook examples. Employers use a degree as a filter and look for projects and effort outside of school. For a student, this type of work not only shows some initiative but it can count as a form of experience.

Comment Re:OMAP 4470 can't do shit (Score 2) 307

You're forgetting the SGX554, clock for clock it's twice as powerful as the GeForce ULP.

THIS. In mobile, the GPU tends to be a bit more important than raw CPU power. This is because we are doing a lot of pixel pushing to render the final UI. On something like the Tegra 2, the UI could be slow because the fill-rate on Tegra 2 was comparatively low. A SOC with a better GPU but worse CPU would feel much smoother when navigating the UI. It is not often that you are maxing out a core, let alone four of them.

Comment Re:Hmmm ... (Score 1) 194

That commercial was in fact for an Android phone, the Galaxy Nexus. It was showing off a feature that was added in version 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich). Allowing for multiple users seems like the next logical step, especially for devices that are more likely to be shared by families, such as tablets.

Comment Re:XKCD? (Score 0) 218

It's the most childish comic directed at a high school reading level I've ever found.

Pssh, I know. It hardly ever talks about Mondays.

Lots of people are PhDs or have excellent grades - this certainly applies to everyone in my team.

The question is how you select from within that group.

Certainly you wouldn't want them to "fit" into your existing team.

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