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Comment Re:Propaganda or Bad reporting? (Score 3, Insightful) 898

Don't you feel, deep down in your bones, that jailing people for the things they say is, to put it bluntly, PATENTLY WRONG? Are you nut jobs going to start jailing people for thoughtcrime as well? If not, why not? Where is the diving line on that?

The dividing line is pretty clearly that something one says (or in this case, does) is objectively verifiable, whereas one's thoughts are not.

I poked two holes in this guy's prosecution, and I'm not even an investigator.

No you didn't. You speculated about two situations which might have occurred which might have harmed the prosecution's case. For all you know, the police came to Duffy's place to investigate and he broke down blubbering and confessed everything like the anonymous coward he is.

Just think what some one in the profession would do to this prosecution.

I don't have to imagine. I can read the fucking headline and see that the guy was jailed. The defense was clearly not very successful.

Comment Re:Well (Score 1) 349

They didn't focus on teaching specific languages (as they'd go out of fashion in 5 years anyway)

I don't understand where this tripe comes from. For my professional and academic activities, I use C (~1973), Perl (1987), Java (1995), and C# (2001). The youngest of those is 10 years old. What languages are using now that weren't around 5 years ago, and what were you using 5 years ago that has since gone 'out of fashion'? What does it mean to be 'out of fashion'? That they aren't in use? Or that Web developers no longer use them?

Comment Re:Ten Times (Score 1) 324

I challenge you to find a single account from someone who personally knows Bill Gates who claims that the man is unlikeable.

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2011/04/18/paul-allen-compares-working-with-bill-gates-to-being-in-hell/ :

But the memoir's most intriguing (and controversial) revelations revolve around Allen's personal and professional relationship with Gates, whom he described to Stahl as a gifted businessman with a penchant for being a total jerk.

Comment Re:It's a waste of time (Score 1) 473

As soon as I ask them if they'd like to meet up, they go quiet and never message me again.

The timing on this is crucial. If you ask too early, women will conclude that you are a creeper. That may seem harsh, but women on dating sites deal with a creeper or two every day, so it's unavoidable.

Comment Re:2 weeks? (Score 1) 591

Yep - and for non-union employees, [negotiation] is done once, at time of hire.

Ridiculous. You "re-negotiate" your salary every time you ask for a raise. If your company won't give you a raise, then you should look for work elsewhere. And if you can't find work elsewhere, maybe you should consider forming a union so you have some negotiating power. The shareholders who own your company pooled their resources to increase their leverage, why don't you?

In times of very low unemployment, the union can even hold a company hostage for unreasonable demands and get them.

True, but corporations can do the exact same thing to their employees. They can, and they quite frequently do. Why not protect yourself from that?

Comment Re:2 weeks? (Score 1) 591

So, following your logic: If an employee has a contract for total compensation of X dollars which includes $1000 per month in health insurance. When the insurance premiums go up 10% the following year, the union employee should then pay the extra $100 because the contract was for a fixed amount?

I'm not the OP, but he's pretty clearly not making an argument about which pats of the total compensation are fixed and which are not; but rather that it doesn't matter whether your compensation is entirely in the form of salary, or partially salary and partially 'benefits'; a cut is a cut, and is grounds for "re-negotiation" using any (legal) means at your disposal.

The article mentioned that the contract had expired, I see NOTHING wrong with a new contract that requires that ALL employees pay a portion of health care costs.

Of course you didn't--it's not your salary that's being cut. If your employer planned on cutting your salary, and you had the leverage to prevent it, would you use it, or just meekly take the cut?

Comment Re:Smart people use LaTeX. (Score 1) 567

Or do you honestly believe the average office suite user is as intelligent as the average LaTeX user?

Perhaps not. But I don't think the average office suite is as pompous as the average LaTeX user either, so it's still unclear whether intelligence or pomposity is the greater driver of Latex usage.

My brother is doing a PhD in history, and neither he, nor anyone he knows, has any idea what Latex is. But this is Slashdot, so there are good odds that you think Math and Science are the only worthwhile intellectual endeavours

Comment Re:Learn your AVC's (Score 1) 567

Format copying. The bane of my existence.

I use Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Alt-Shift-F10, then select whichever option (Keep Text Only, usually) from the drop-down context menu. That key-combo (Alt-Shift-F10) is used in Office, Excel, and Visual Studio; and probably others as well.

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