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Comment Re:Crackfix please (Score 1) 414

And he's talking about downgrading to an old (unsupported) version... basically completely switching operating systems. If you were installing Linux (which of course is what you're talking about) on a new PC that came with Windows, you'd just reformat.

Claiming that installing Windows 7 will make reformatting impossible is silly, and that's what I was responding to.

Comment Re:Crackfix please (Score 2, Insightful) 414

When is this EVER the case with ANY beta test? People CHOOSE to beta test... they're not forced into it. Aside from that, the "payment" is usually the ability to get to try out new software before everyone else, and to help make sure that the issues YOU have with it are noticed.

Not to mention that because this is an OPEN beta, Microsoft would have to give every single person who ever "beta-tested" (read: "downloaded") the software a free copy.

If I get chosen for the Starcraft beta test, I'll not only be extremely excited, but I will most definitely buy the finished product.

Comment Re:Haven't these people learned? (Score 1) 580

I don't think that the problem that should be focused on is that people kill each other... but that kids, for some odd reason, are going on killing sprees across the world.

It's easy to point the finger at paintballing and video games, ban them, and say that you did something. Really, we do those things because we don't KNOW the exact causes of these outbursts, and that scares people.

Maybe the first step in preventing these things is to focus more on bullying in school, and attempting to reach out to kids who might be outsiders. How that can be accomplished... I don't know, but these seem to be calculated acts of rage on the part of the killer, and we should be focusing on where that rage is stemming from rather than fumbling at misguided "solutions."

Comment Re:Weren't the earlier betas much faster? (Score 1) 821

Wasn't XP built off of NT? Wasn't 98 built off of 95? Obviously improvements were made.

The average user gets their operating system with their computer. In addition to that, the average user also wants the "newest" version out there. I HAVE heard of my friends' parents "upgrading" to ME when it came out.

In general, people aren't going to know that it's not even 5% faster, and they're still going to want it.

Comment Re:Games != Windows :-D (Score 1) 245

"Macs are overpriced for the components they have " this has been shown to not be true many times.

Citation please? From my experience in looking at system specs at and the prices, this is absolutely true.

"e and are almost completely uncustomizable. " most people don't customize there PC.

Note that I said that the average user is fine with their non-customizable parts. It's even-slightly-more-than-casual gamers that do at least a LITTLE customization.

"...but for actual gamers it's not as good. "

no, it's better.

BTW, must hard core gamers don't customize their PC anymore either. It's pretty pointless these days.

I'm not really sure what you're talking about here. I don't know the gamers you hang around, but go to ANY large LAN party and you'll find that the majority of the people there built or at least added parts to their PCs. The people there with some sort of weird Dell XPS are usually made fun of.

"When I can build a Mac from scratch..."

you're becoming a niche user. Very few people want to do that. maybe .001% of all people with a PC want to do that.

Good luck buying equivalent parts for less.

Of, and most importantly. If you were truly and hard core gamers, and you new shit about computers, you would WANT OSX to run games because they will run better do to how it manages memory and devices. You get more performance out of a slower chip.

I was really going to ignore your awful grammar... but that paragraph was just bad. I won't let it stop me from refuting your actual points, but just know that it makes you look silly.

.001% of people? That's 1 in every 100,000 FYI. In the small town I grew up in (which had a population of about 14,000) I knew at least 100 gamers, all of whom built their computers. I'm glad you're capable of spewing random numbers.

Good luck finding equivalent parts for less? Let's do a fun thing here, and look at apple's lowest priced iMac ($1,199). Now I spent 5 minutes composing semi-equivalent parts (some are better), and I have almost halved Apple's price.

Thanks for not knowing what you're talking about. When you buy Apple, you're buying the brand, not really the value.

Comment Re:Games != Windows :-D (Score 1) 245

Except that absolutely isn't the only reason PC gamers don't use Macs.

Macs are overpriced for the components they have and are almost completely uncustomizable. Obviously the very similar hardware that they all run on is good for the average user who just wants to play a simple game, but for actual gamers it's not as good.

When I can build a Mac from scratch and not have to spend a bazillion dollars on everything, I'll CONSIDER switching... until then the PC gives me the customizability that I want.

Comment Re:Are we still talking about Braid? (Score 1) 44

Remember, "better" is a subjective term.

I think the game is absolutely gorgeous... the backgrounds especially, but the entire pastel look is really cool. Show me a flash game that has something that's actually beautiful, not just "zomg 3d flash!"

Not to mention that the levels actually make you think. Did Mario do that for you? Prince of Persia maybe, but the time reversal mechanic of Prince of Persia was essentially just an extra life. In Braid you use it in... SO many ways. Get past world 1 and maybe you'll see.

Comment Re:Daikatana (Score 1) 102

It's generally considered a bad game if most people didn't like it, not if a few did. Part of making a good game/movie/anything is making it accessible... to a degree of course, some people just aren't interested in meaning.

However, you could name anything and I could find somebody who likes it and somebody who hates it. For Deus Ex IW, the problems I had with it were really odd animations and voice acting (I know, Deus Ex had these same things), extremely odd system requirements (it ran crappy on my Geforce 6800, which was considered a mid/high quality card), and generally dumbed down gameplay compared to the the original.

I think it's safe to say that poop tastes bad even when there are probably hundreds of people out in the world who enjoy it.

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