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Comment Re:Amazon Prime (Score 1) 488

As both an Amazon Prime subscriber and a Netflix user, I can tell you that Amazon Prime's selection of movies is very, very limited and has been since they first introduced the service. Now, the other perks are very nice and I am happily paying for them but as far as streaming goes Netflix is miles and miles ahead.

Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1) 365

But you can only do that if you are sure your program and DRM code are both 100% bug-free. Wouldn't want to start the lawsuit and then find out that it was actually a bug in your DRM code that was enabling the buggy behavior in an honest reviewer's copy of your program. Most people would consider adding code that is intentionally broken to be a bad idea, not in the world of DRM, though. And even if you could somehow sue all the reviewers in the world who pirated your program and posted bad reviews you still have word of mouth. Unless you also plan to sue everyone in the world who is speaking ill of your program.

You are basically killing a house fly with a bazooka and blowing yourself up in the process

Comment Re:except.... (Score 1) 365

And you will be in for a ton of fun. I had a problem with Half Life 2 where the AI turned off automatically. The root cause was that, for some reason, Half Life 2 was thinking I pirated the game. After contacting Steam I was received with a "boo hoo! Pirates cannot play" response and mockery in the public forums. It took me weeks to get help from someone in Steam who, after being shown proof of purchase, finally resolved my problem.

Non-surprisingly The Orange Box was the first and last Steam game I buy

Comment Re:Might not be entirely the driver's fault. (Score 1) 365

This woman, when having her vision compromised, should have treated it as any other similar hazard. If there was mud that was thrown on her windshield, she wouldn't have kept going the same speed.

Well, she treated it in the same way she would have treated any similar hazard:

"Hey guys, mud was just thrown to windshield LOLOLOL, will slow down once I finish updating my FB sta---"

Comment Re:I think Beck has started to believe his own con (Score 1) 1276

What differentiates Glen Beck from some homeless idiot claiming that the world is flat is that he has an audience. He has thousands (millions?) of viewers. They actually listen to him. If he claims that Google is in league with the devil, they'll believe it. They'll go use Bing instead.

Bing? Oh God, Glenn Beck is evil!!

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