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Comment Re:Accountability (Score 1) 325

How are the incentives in the wrong place? The airlines need security theater; people are already fearful of flying, and fear of being killed by terrorists while flying only makes that worse.

This is the problem really. Flying is one of the safest ways to travel. After 9/11 more people drove to their destination and traffic deaths went up.

Comment Re:Complete Failure (Score 2) 378

Is it really hard?
Prior to 9/11 there random searches and metal detectors with xrays. That didn't stop people. Why should a little more stop anyone? There are LOTS of ways to get into an airport. Supposedly the guys that planned 9/11 spent a long time planning it. They are going to let a little deterrence stop them?
TSA isn't about deterring anyone. It is about controlling the population and keeping them in fear.

Comment Re:Complete Failure (Score 2) 378

You may be right, but since stopping such things is what they are supposed to do, there's no way to be certain, if only by their very presence, that they are not having some impact

They are having an impact all right. They cost us money and time. Anecdotal evidence suggests some tourists aren't coming to American because of them. And evidence suggests driving has gone up, and because driving is statistically less safe than flying, more people have died has a result.
So we can't tell if TSA has deterred anyone (would it really? What we did previously didn't stop anyone, why should the TSA) but evidence has suggested they failed to stop some terrorists, like the underwear guy and the show guy (well that one isn't on TSA, but still)

Comment Re:For those of you that don't RTFA... (Score 1) 378

Because no terrorist would want to bring a grenade on a plane?

Uhm, pretty much. Just like you won't find many terrorists trying to bring a two handed long sword on a plane. A grenade isn't exactly the weapon to use in close quarters. And chances are wouldn't do significant damage to the plane itself.

Comment Too many subfolders (Score 1) 238

I'm curious about a couple of things. Of course pretty much everyone here is screaming "source control" But how is that you have a programmer working on THIRTY projects at one time? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your use of "project" but I think I would go crazy if I was trying to juggle thirty different projects. Perhaps some sort of consolidation is in order.
You also mention if you sync the whole thing, navigation would be a problem with too many subfolders. A good source control will help alleviate this issue as a programmer could only checkout a portion of the system. But I think you have a bigger problem to solve if you have too many subfolders. Perhaps you need to solve your project hierarchy.

Comment Not yet (Score 1) 418

I'm a fairly earlier adopter. A good reason to upgrade my DLP HD TV would be to get some better connectors (like say HDMI). But the next gen is a 4K OLED. It has higher resolution (but no content) with real black blacks. But they cost an arm and a leg. When those TVs come down, it will be time to upgrade.

Comment Everyone wants a change (Score 1) 688

In the video in the article, Bill Wolters, president of the Texas Automotive Dealer Assoc claims "everyone wants an exception to the law" I'm thinking if it is true, that EVERYONE wants an exception, then perhaps there is something WRONG with the law?
Mr Wolters also claims that Tesla could do BETTER selling through a franchise dealer network. But shouldn't that be Tesla's decision? And if they COULD do better, wouldn't they actually do it?

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