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Comment Why are we supposed to be angry again? (Score 4, Insightful) 439

So BP is spending their money on ads for a relevant search term and when you click on the ad you are lead to information on what they are doing with the oil spill. And we're supposed to be angry at them for doing this? Huh? Maybe their info is bogus or they should be providing more info. Maybe they have totally botched the oil spill. But it would make more sense to me if people were outraged if they DIDN'T buy ads that lead people to information.

An Animal That Lives Without Oxygen 166

Julie188 writes "Scientists have found the first multicellular animals that apparently live entirely without oxygen. The creatures reside deep in one of the harshest environments on earth: the Mediterranean Ocean's L'Atalante basin, which contains salt brine so dense that it doesn't mix with the oxygen-containing waters above."

Son Sues Mother Over Facebook Posts 428

Most kids hate having their parents join in on a discussion on Facebook, but one 16-year-old in Arkansas hates it so much he has filed suit against his mother, charging her with harassment. From the article: "An Arkadelphia mother is charged with harassment for making entries on her son's Facebook page. Denise New's 16-year-old son filed charges against her last month and requested a no-contact order after he claims she posted slanderous entries about him on the social networking site. New says she was just trying to monitor what he was posting." Seems like he could just unfriend her.

Comment Kid who started the no cussing club (Score 1) 262

About the kid mentioned in the article that started the no cussing club

"It hasn’t all been smooth sailing. At first, McKay almost quit because of negative response. Sometimes people would yell bad words at him. Or they would accuse him of trying to take away their freedom of speech. McKay points out that he isn’t making them do anything. He asks them to challenge themselves to improve. “I’m just trying to bring awareness about people’s language.”

In the accompanying video it says he's gotten death threats. Some people need to chill out.


US Grants Home Schooling German Family Political Asylum 1324

A US judge has granted political asylum to a family who said they fled Germany to avoid persecution for home schooling their children. Uwe Romeike and his wife, Hannelore, moved to Tennessee after German authorities fined them for keeping their children out of school and sent police to escort them to classes. Mike Connelly, attorney for the Home School Legal Defence Association, argued the case. He says, "Home schoolers in Germany are a particular social group, which is one of the protected grounds under the asylum law. This judge looked at the evidence, he heard their testimony, and he felt that the way Germany is treating home schoolers is wrong. The rights being violated here are basic human rights."

Comment Re:Taxes, taxes, taxes (Score 1) 762

If taxes have to be raised, then raise the income taxes or property taxes. Sales taxes are a pain to collect...

Seems to me income taxes are WAY more complicated and full of loopholes than sales taxes are - at least for a brick and mortar. But on a national scale, with internet stores, sales tax becomes difficult. We are one nation - we need a national solution for sales tax.

Comment Re:Sorry, this is eBay's fault. (Score 1) 362

By the way. I'm not at all pleased with the new eBay design.

They think they're being all fancy, cute, and Web 2.0-like i'm sure.

Their new design looks MUCH better than the old. I always thought the (now old) eBay page design was ugly and difficult to use but it looks like they've made some great improvements. If they can get it to actually WORK, I think they'll really have something.

Comment Re:and yet NYC still has traffic jams (Score 1) 882

Yes, it is your fault. You are not the police. You are not God. Stop trying to control traffic with YOUR over-inflated sense of entitlement. YOU are the single point of failure in these scenarios. You are outnumbered by the people wanting to go 69 (or whatever speed) in a 65.

It can be dangerous too (although pretty funny if taken to the extreme).

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