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Comment Re:Distinguishing conflict from disagreement (Score 1) 1152

The problem is : religion and politics are intermixed. In fact, it's almost impossible to separate them.
And this is because to the government, religion is a powerful tool to control everyone.

Ever heard a president at the end of a speech ( "God bless America" ) .

The problem with religion is that it can't be questioned. So when someone ( for example a politician ) uses religion for his own gains, the truly religious will follow it, no matter what.

The only way to avoid it would be to ignore religious dogma, and truly try finding it on your own. That's a much harder, but much more useful journey to take.

Comment Re:Clouds Need To Be Free (Score 2) 152

Your missing something : Linux != Desktop Environment
Linux is the kernel.

Ease of use has a lot more with the Desktop Environment ( KDE, GNOME ,etc ... )

The best comparison would be to compare distro's ( Ubuntu, Mint, Debian ) with Windows.
In that sense, there are plenty of distro's which are much easier to use than Windows.

Think about it : if you want to install software on Windows, you need to put in a CD, or search it on internet, download it, start it up, accept the license, etc..
On most popular linux distro's, you just select it in the package manager, click install and it does everything for you. You can't get it any easier than that.

Comment Re:subject (Score 3, Interesting) 284

If you acquire any free games you haven't paid for and are supposed to, that is theft.

Legal Dictionary on "Theft" :
the generic term for all crimes in which a person intentionally and fraudulently takes personal property of another without permission or consent and with the intent to convert it to the taker's use

In a broad sense it would seem to fit, but I'm not sure about the "takes personal property" : it's not really taken, the original owner still has it.

If I were to develop my own game, based on the an existing game ( just from experience with the game ), I would be creating a free game, and some people might decide to play my free game instead of buying the original. But would it be theft ?

The way you describe it, it would be, because I copied something : I copied the idea .
If so, then a whole lot of free games would be illegal.

Comment do not abuse (Score 1) 627

I understand that you are angry and looking for revenge.

However, I don't like your suggestion to 'blow it up' through slashdot , because I don't like being used for political means, and I doubt many others are willing either.

If you truly care about the people, you need to understand that we are not tools for you to wield, nor weapons to ensure your victory.
We are human beings, with general and specific concerns.

You are not the first politician to make this mistake, but you seem to be willing, so here goes nothing :

- Present yourself , show your ideas to the public ( through your blog, whatever ) and engage in debate with the public.
- Listen openly to people, without judging them
- Always follow your heart : don't change your views because some people don't like them. There will always be people who dislike them.

It may not help you get elected, but if you do go elected, you will be able to truly help the people, because you will know what they need.

The best action towards ABC would have been to simply not care about them, maybe even to thank them, and then find another medium.
If you become popular through other means, they will begin to wonder why they didn't include you then. And since the relationship wasn't broken, they would probably invite you then.

Comment Re:Not me! (Score 1) 525

I can Google for information on how to build something, and then use that information to build something.
Seriously, there are so many 'make your own ...' sites out there, you can create almost everything yourself, and many people do that, just for fun.

It's ironic that the article complains about the lack of 'do-it-yourself' people . Why worry about others, if you want to do it yourself ?

Comment Re:That is no prediction (Score 4, Insightful) 291

You are right, but you are forgetting the frame of mind of that time.
I'm sure most lower class workers took it as part of the job, and were happy that they were at least free, and had a job.

When looking back on history, it always seems cruel, because we are used to higher standards of living.

For all we know, somewhere in the future, people will pitty us because our foods contained to much salt.

Comment it's not (Score 1) 370

Wikipedia is not ugly.
It has an interface suited for it's purpose : providing concise information on basically anything.

When just looking for information, you don't want a super slick colorful interface, that's just going to distract you, and waste your time.

Also, having a lot of different content, it's kind of necessary to have a light interface that works with all content.

Comment Re:No (Score 4, Insightful) 98

This is true, but the art requirements for a game like arkham city are insane. Sure there are some really awesome indy games, but nothing quite like that. Fallout 3 also comes to mind. No way could a small team accomplish that. I'm not trying to diminish what people do with less, but more is always better.

Depends on what you need. Neat graphics usually means heavy system requirements.
A lot of people may be fine with a game that isn't as beautiful, but can be run smoothly on their systems.

I think there's a market for both.

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