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Comment Re:"Do the right thing" (Score 0, Troll) 915

Yeah, I really don't care about the Wikileaks part of this. Bradley Manning can burn in hell for that mess. As for Assange, he needs to face the rape and molestation charges in Sweden. It's easy to forget that he is an accused rapist and needs to stand trial amidst all of the Wikileaks BS. Let Sweden try him. If he's found guilty clamp his balls in Bradley Manning's mouth and string them both up.

Comment Re:What a piece of work is man... (Score 1) 1086

You, sir, are the moron if you truly believe that you need any of the following in order to learn "how to think for yourself" while in pursuit of any degree.

FILM 1005(Intro to Film)
GEOG 1101(Human Geography)
SOCI(1101(Intro to Sociology)
ARTS 1100(Art Appreciation)

Perhaps YOU needed classes such as these to teach YOU to think for yourself. The majority of the rest of us around here are intelligent enough to have gained that basic skill well before college and to have further developed it without the need for art appreciation classes.

Comment Re:depressing becuase it's so accurate (Score 2) 1365

That's exactly the response I had planned. I remember the first time I read 1984, pulling for Winston and hoping for a story where the people succeed in overthrowing or subverting the regime. Oh, the let down, followed by the realization that this is a story about our world, our society.

I'm going to go curl up in a ball now.

Comment Re:So Kick His Ass (Score 1) 318

Good point. Enter GA Code 16-3-21

Defense from a forcible felony; A person is justified in using threats or force to the degree they reasonably believe it is necessary to stop another person's imminent use of unlawful force. A person is justified in using deadly force which may harm or kill only if he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily injury to himself or herself or a third person or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony (unless it is regarding defense of habitation, which has it's own requirements below). You are not justified if you were the aggressor or you are/were/on-the-way-to committing a felony. (The state has pre-empted local cities and counties from further restricting this defense.)(16-3-21)

Comment Re:So Kick His Ass (Score 1) 318

Neither. I am tired of the whiny "everyone gets a trophy and criminals need rehab" crowd deciding that it's OK to let someone steal your property since you can call the police later. Also note the "forcible" part of forcible felony. If someone walks up and grabs my phone off of my desk I'll deal with it. If someone threatens and or physically assaults me for my property I will respond with force.

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