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Comment Punishing Customers for Their Purchases (Score 5, Insightful) 247

They knowingly and willingly over sold their infrastructure (bait) and now that customers are trying to use the service they signed up for, their service is being throttled (switch). Period.

The real truth here is that they offered services which they knew they could not provide and rather than do the correct thing and increase their infrastructure capacity, they opted to increase shareholder profits and to purchase the other smaller companies who were coerced into selling selling off their business for lack of ability to compete with the unlimited plans. Now that they have a large percentage of the market share, their strategy is to punish the customer that they probably wouldn't even have if it was not for the unlimited plans. Basically they gambled that customers would not utilize the service and lost. However, unlike when we get our pockets emptied at a casino, they're somehow able to pawn their losses on the customers.

I couldn't imagine a more clear example of a ponzi scheme than this.

Comment Re:The solution... (Score 1) 676

The minimum legal age of marriage is not where the problem is. With parental consent, you can get married at 15 years old, pretty much anywhere in the world. The problem is that divorce is legal, too easily attainable and way too favourable to women (it's not the 50s anymore!), giving women the ability to do the following: >Marry > stay thin so she can fuck as many guys as she can > While she's at home, making her husband's daily life as shit as possible > Divorce > She takes all of the guy's money > She's still thin, she still fucks tons of guys >> Possible final stage a) Living off of her ex-husband for the rest of her life >> Possible final stage b) She gets married, her ex-husband finds out, goes to court and loses, he now has to pay more >> Possible final stage c) She gets married, her ex-husband finds out, goes to court and wins, he no longer has to pay (very unlikely) >> Possible final stage d) She meets someone that she says she loves, they both live off of her ex-husband for the rest of her life; she still fucks other guys > Ex-husband can never move on with his life, can never get a better job, will very likely lose everything he has and live like a turd, will not be able to marry because his new wife will now be paying for his ex-wife, can only be saved if he can prove that his ex-wife is married. This is the real problem with marriage.

A mysoginist and a retard. I learn more and more about you on every post. I'm not sure about marriage, but you sure do make a good case for abortion, pinhead

Comment Re:Breaking News: people fall for the same tricks! (Score 1) 184

No, 4chan's message warned about JavaScript Spam: - there has never, to my knowledge, been a warning about general files, because those files don't attack 4chan and so they don't care.

So it must be the truth, cause you never heard. Wait..........what's that on your shirt..............uh sir your retard is showing.

Comment Re:eMacs? (Score 1) 248

I could understand if they were using old 1680x1050 120Hz+ monitors with proper colour management, but they are using some ancient shit monitors on garbage computers (garbage when they were purchased, even more so now). This is ignoring, of course, that the computer upgrades, to something that will actually run a modern browser or any modern software, is a small fraction of the total upgrades, and that the huge bulk of it is needed for infrastructure upgrades.

Trust him. He knows. He's an intelligent moron, dun gradiated thru the sixth grade and wants to be a double naught spy.


Comment Re:I hope the government listens! (Score 1) 676

I don't really care if all of the models are properly average in size; most of those girls are currently nasty looking from being so thin, anyway.

In other words, your a huge fat ass retard who likes em big, you self aggrandizing misinformed little child. If you know sooooo much about everything then why is your domain a .us? Mommy and daddy wouldn't spring for a real registrar?

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