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Comment Re:Is colinneagle some kind of VIP? (Score 1) 415

You are missing the point completely. Windows 3.x *IS* on technet, so if you need it you can just download it.

TFA states that they needed and got help from Adobe tracking a copy down. That is entirely different from being able to download something that is readily available on the website.

Try getting something that microsoft owns that -isn't- readily available on technet from Microsoft. Say... Great Plains Dynamics 3 ... for System 7 (Mac OS).

Comment Re:Actually Naboo Was Based on Hagia Sophia (Score 1) 514

Most evangelical Christians try very hard to follow the New Testament.

Firstly the New Testament is only part of the bible. Most of the book is dedicated to the Old Testament. So right out of the gate, "reading The Bible" includes a LOT of content you'd apparently prefer people NOT use when forming an opinion of Christianity. Is that right?

Secondly, evangelicals seem to be drawing an awful lot of their dogma from old testament teachings. The new testament says very little about gays for example, and most of the quotes evangelicals put forth are old testament.

Moreover, the 'big quotes' from the new testament are stuff like:

Matthew 5:43-44 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Matthew 7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Matthew 22:37-40 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Its hard to reconcile that with pretty much everything people do today while claiming to be motivated by their "deeply held Christian faith", even today. From their views on homosexuality, gay marriage, illegal immigrants, torture, drone strikes, so called "stand your ground" laws and gun control in general, how they treat Muslim's, even Muslim American citizens, etc.

Comment Re:i have purchased the affected products. (Score 1) 709

Fish are so common as pets that there is a name for the glass house filled with water to keep them as pets. Fish are also extremely commonly eaten.

Fish is too general, its the equivalent of mammal or bird. The fact that I eat salmon and snapper doesn't mean I'd eat angelfish and neon tetras. The fact that I'd eat chicken and duck doesn't mean I'd eat budgie and parakeet.

That said I agree with your point. And I have nothing against the idea of people eating horse, or even dog. Though I have little to no desire to do so myself.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 474

Now be really honest. What is more complicated?

lol, linux, by far.

In your particular example when you reboot the pc it reverts.

To make it permanent its a bit more complicated, and depends whether its like Debian or Red Hat.

Furthermore, for your linux solution to be easy it requires that -someone- prep the command(s) for you, blogs them or something so you can find them. With windows, a reasonably competent individual the duplex settings could likely find them on their own, and its pretty obvious to see what it is currently set to, and how to change the setting when you find it.

Your 'copy-and-paste-commands' doesn't even begin to hint at how to find out how to check what it is currently set to. For that you'd have to start from scratch, google a new command and copy-paste it. That's not being liberated and educated that's "cargo-cult-computing".

At least with the windows step by step method, you could actually retain some useful information that will be applicable in the future. With the copy-past-command method its just gibberish you slavishly reproduce.

The ethool option you indicated at least is relatively semantic; but something like:
  tar cvfj pkg3.tar.bz2 pkg3/
is practically gibberish.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 474

That's why Microsoft made the Powershell to try and compensate.

And some people would even argue that powershell is better than bash.

(Personally, I'm mixed; I like the simplicity of bash as all the output is plaintext... but while the object oriented output of powershell may be more complex it's so nice not to have to parse the results you want out of plaintext all the time.)

Comment Re:This article is bullshit! (Score 2) 404

For people who actually NEED the power, say folks like me who do video transcoding while running accurate physics simulations of sound propagation for commercial acoustic design and/or industrial noise abatement, and would like to still be able to work in their CAD suite with multiple detailed 3D views open, it is quite clearly NOT a "simple fact" that PCs are "insanely overpowered", that's fucking ridiculous you fool! The systems are never powerful enough.

You're welcome for those nice zig zaggy walls near freeways that keep your neighborhoods quieter, and for industrial plants that don't cause hearing loss. Games? Pfffah! Gimme a break kid, go get a real lawn to shout from.

Sure... but "video transcoding" do you really NEED to rip a blu-ray while doing that? ;)

The point the parent made about PCs being overpowered is true. The home market for engineering workstations is pretty niche. It may well be your niche, but you can't possibly think the majority of people are like you. The big block of home consumers responsible for 100s of millions of PC sales over the last decade, along with the armies of office PCs in accounting, sales, data entry, admin are more than adequately served by PCs of the last few years and don't feel any compulsion to upgrade for 'more performance', even the power users and gamers. The market for PCs has gone flat; because last years PC is still good enough. People are now mostly just replacing PCs when they break.

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