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Comment Re:Who would have thought (Score 1) 194

I see that as the main use for automatic driving in the near future anyway. Going around the corner to the grocery store? No big deal, just drive it. Taking a road trip from NYC to Florida, or a commute from the suburbs into your local major city? Set it to autopilot and go, take control once you're in the ballpark of your destination. You're still going to need a license to use one of these for a long while, so that kind of limitation isn't crippling.

Comment Re:Misleading Headline (Score 1) 246

That's just not true. AT&T's monopoly already existed when the government agreed to let them be a monopoly. The government was investigating them for antitrust violations, and then agreed to stop their investigation in exchange for them doing a few specific things, like requiring them to allow independent networks to connect to theirs in relatively limited circumstances.

Also, it was 1913, not the 30's, when this happened. Over the subsequent decades, the federal government basically gave AT&T everything they wanted - they approved 271 out of 274 buyouts of independent companies between 1921 and 1934, the government did not require them to interconnect their local services to independent local services, they did not require AT&T to interconnect with other long distance providers, and more.

That's the exact opposite of "heavy handed regulation" - that's the government rolling over to everything a corporation wanted.

Comment Re:Deblasio has been working hard (Score 4) 170

Of course it happens more frequently in NYC than elsewhere. It's a city with 8.4 million people, and 35,000 cops. The number of cops alone is larger than most towns. As an example, Ferguson, MO is only 21,000 people - there's 14,000 more cops alone in NYC, plus another 8.4 million people. Ferguson's entire population is literally a fucking rounding error relative to NYC's population.

Comment Re: TI calculators are not outdated, just overpric (Score 1) 359

That's pretty much irrelevant. Want to get a decent education? You're taking one of those tests if you do anything beyond an associates at a community college. That alone makes it so that the most common models, like the TI-84, will continue to be the standard and not be improved, let alone the fact that teaching materials, even in high school, are geared towards them as well.

Comment Re: Growing pains. (Score 1) 233

The strip isn't what I was talking about, actually - that strip was Democrat-controlled. There were a bunch of other districts that were redrawn at the same time, and only the Democratic one was found to be infringing. Here's a map of the districts after they were struck down. They're still just as fucked up, but unlike the 23rd in my original image, none of them can be considered to be racially drawn - which was the only reason the 23rd was struck down.

Comment Re: Growing pains. (Score 1) 233

According to just one map, how the fuck do you think people are being represented fairly when their votes are being combined with votes that are hundreds of miles away and absolutely not a part of the same community? This one instance literally shows Republicans added 4 seats by calculating their ability to win districts if they were drawn in a very specific way, and used their power in the Texas legislature to make it happen. That's what happens with gerrymandering, and any study you've seen that claims this doesn't have an effect on Congress is bullshitting you. Even when parties come together to agree to redistrict in a given way, they're specifically looking to ensure incumbent victories in as many districts as possible.

Comment Re:Growing pains. (Score 1) 233

The two party system is fine, until the parties have the ability to redraw their own districts without any rules as to how those districts should be shaped. Over time, they have to continue pulling farther and farther extreme from each other in order to compete within their own parties, and end up with guaranteed general election wins, which ends up leaving everyone with representatives who refuse to compromise. When you have to appeal to a wide variety of voters in the general election instead, parties end up electing the most extreme they can get away with in a general election instead of a primary - someone who has conviction yet who can compromise. This ends up being a moderating influence in multiple directions - it prevents the parties both from becoming too closely aligned and collude or too far apart to work together.

The solution is to limit the way district boundaries can be drawn - no more districts with a giant tail to add that group of republicans on X highway or the democrats on Y side of the city. Unfortunately, I'm not sure Congress is up to the task right now, which is a massive problem since the problem will continue to get worse, which makes it even less likely to happen...

Comment Re:So, such rules are bad for keeping people worki (Score 1) 327

They're only bad for keeping people working if nobody else has the same restrictions. If every other state had the same level of restrictions, California would be in contention without having to waive rules. If the entire world had the same restrictions, jobs wouldn't be outsourced to third world countries with near slave laborers.

That's the real problem with rules like environmental or worker protections - if only a subset of countries are onboard, companies move to those places where they have more power. If they have the same amount of power everywhere, the laws have no effect on the state of employment.

Your statement, and the sentiment many people hold towards regulation, is ignorant to the facts. You present it as if these companies are choosing between creating jobs and not creating jobs, when the reality is that they're creating the jobs anyway, and they're just choosing where to create them, with a substantial basis in the regulatory environment. Tesla is building a battery factory, they're just not considering California because it's easier to create them elsewhere.

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