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Comment Re:Refreshing comment... (Score 1) 186

Just like the all of the banks who created mortgage-backed securities; they knew that those securities weren't worth the paper they were written on, but some sucker on the market would gladly buy it and would be left holding the bag when the housing market would collapse. Too bad so many other banks bought those securities and we had a credit crunch.

Comment Re:Better or worse? (Score 1) 400

This semester, my accounting professor is requiring us to get WebTutor on Blackboard. Luckily I took the course last semester, realized that WebTutor doesn't really add to the course (over the book), and I'm skipping it this semester. Hopefully the professor won't kick me out because I don't have it.

Book Review: Think Like a Programmer 98

MassDosage writes "After nearly 15 years or of writing code professionally it was refreshing to take a figurative step back and read a book aimed at people getting started with computer programming. As the title suggests, Think Like A Programmer tries to get to the core of the special way that good programmers think and how, when faced with large and complex problems, they successfully churn out software to solve these challenges in elegant and creative ways. The author has taught computer science for about as long as I've been programming and this shows in his writing. He has clearly seen a lot of different people progress from newbie programmers to craftsmen (and craftswomen) and has managed to distill a lot of what makes this possible in what is a clear, well-written and insightful book." Read below for the rest of Mass Dosage's review.

Comment Re:Be smug. Cue the "stupid hillbilly" lines (Score 1) 1218

Meanwhile, ignore your own idiocy about economics:

1. The government is a source of wealth. 2. You can tax-and-spend-and-regulate your way out of a U6 unemployment rate of close to 20% after the loss of millions of jobs. 3. "It's all BOOOSH'S!!!! fault", despite the fact that the dot-com bubble and housing bubbles BOTH started under Clinton (and Bush even tried to fix Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac but was thwarted by Dems like Barney Frank) 4. "ReTHUGlicans are in bed with bankers", despite the FACT that DEMOCRAT Jon Corzine's company "disappeared" billions of dollars of client money and will face no charges from Obama's corrupt DoJ (led by corruptocrat-in-chief Eric "My People" Holder)

1. What or who are you reffering too?
2. Taxes are hugely unbalanced with income made by "investments" being taxed at a much lower rate than by income made by doing actual work. Regulation is too make sure that individuals aren't hurt by unscrupulus practises; a lack of enforcement has caused this economy a world of hurt. Would you eat at restaurants if you might get sick from the food, because they were unregulated?
3. Nobody blames Bush for the .com or the housing bubble. It's been the deregulations and non-enforments that has everyoneupset. What did you do with your $300 stimulis check in 2008?
4. Yes, the dems can be just as bad, but the insistence that more and more deregulation for an industry that has caused so much trouble is shocking. It would be like saying that football players are being hurt because of all of the rules about tackles and the NFL should allow tackles after play has stopped so the players would be mentally preparred to be tackled at any time.

Comment Re:Amazing (Score 4, Insightful) 541

The 1% make most of their money through capital gains. Since capital gains are taxed at a different rate than ordinary income, it makes a huge difference when tax season comes around. In the mean time, more and more middle income families are getting caught in the a Alternative Minimum Tax, which the republicans in Congress have had the better part of a decade to fix, but their focus has been on making sure tax rates on the highest end of the pay scale fall faster than those on the lower end of the pay scale.

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