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Comment Of course no! (Score 1) 246

You should have the exact IP assignment time table from the ISPs.
Then you need to be sure about the exact time drift among all the involved systems.
And finally you need to be sure about the person using that vey device using that very IP.
And even so, you still need to make sure about another dozen of constraints like NAT and open/broken WiFi access points.
So, of course you cannot. Apart of a very limited number of cases. Very, very limited.

Comment A new hope (Score 2) 797

The hope is that the developers will put more attention to the meat by fixing the numerous bugs that are lurking into the GNOME suite.
Otherwise they'll end up with a new KDE 4.0 fiasco.
Anyway, hiding buttons is not a real great advance in my humble opinion.

Comment It's all about maths, you insensitive clod! (Score 2) 448

1 picosecond (ps) is 10^(-12) secs.
You can run a single instruction in a 1000 GHz CPU (please scale to your favourite multicore system) during 1 ps.
In 1 ps you can go as far as 0.03 cm at the speed of light in vacuum (wich is more than the speed of light in the fibers and the speed of electrons in a copper wire).
So are you insensitive clod designing such a system?
All this at zero latency along the full data path.
In the end there will only be random things happening. As random as the trading market.

Comment What the h**k! (Score 1) 132

1. ethX works fine as long as X fits into 1, 2 or 4 bytes counter.
2. the MAC address for each ethernet is the thing that allows you to discern among all of them, 1, 2 or 65536!
3. Good move, Fedora. Then you can change also the /proc filesystem conventions, the sdXY SCSI disk names convention and so on

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