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Comment Re:Ethics? (Score -1) 556

In other words, ignore all the evidence as biased or misguided and feel the victimhood.

The charges against Zoe Quinn were not lies (that she slept with journalists who then miraculously wrote positive reviews about her tedious text-based "adventure" Depression Quest). They were 100% true. Her ex-boyfriend wasn't lying.

The charges against the gaming sites were not lies either. A significant number have changed their rules on conflict of interest and changed their ethical guidelines.

The charges against the journalism group were not lies. There was a clearly coordinated plan by multiple "independent" journalists to piss off gamers in order to get enormous reaction and then claim that they were being "harrassed by online misogynists". There must have been a reason why this mailing list suddenly shut down. Because its clearly unethical.

The attacks by SJWs and white knights on gamers include ringing up the employers of gamers and sending pornographic emails to employers in order to get them fired. And in some cases, that worked.

The #notyourshield project is real. With real people in it. Who just want to play games and don't want anyone else to tell them what their societal values are based on whether they're an "oppressor" or a "victim of oppression" based on the color of their skin and their gender.

And now on Twitter, a massive blocking list is reporting people who support Gaming to a small cabal (WAM) who miraculously have administrative rights on Twitter. Lots of people have had their accounts suspended for no good reason and then restored by Twitter Support without explanation. Sometimes this happens several times. All that is needed to be on this blocking list is to follow about 3 or 4 accounts and then you get blocked or have your account suspended without warning. All of this is against Twitter's ToS and yet, miraculously it continues. The code openly says that people on the list are "harrassers".

What is happening with Gamergate is a battle for liberty and freedom of speech by people who don't remember what Soviet-style Communism was like and think its all cool to espouse Marxist beliefs. And no, I am not a conservative. This has lead to liberals and conservatives being smeared as harrassers and misogynists for keeping an open mind and asking questions of people who clearly don't want to answer them.

But let me guess: "my badly written screed is typical of the online misogynists"

Go on. You can do it.

Comment Re:Even more important questions exist! (Score 3, Insightful) 416

What happened to being innocent until proven guilty?

That was nullified when the accuser was a woman and the accused was white and heterosexual. Remember the entire justice system has been traduced by the idea that we should believe the victim without evidence as to who the victim is, and by the incredible idea that everyone except white males should be free from being offended by any means whatsoever. Things called 'microaggressions' are seriously discussed in classrooms when the prejudices of non-white, non-heterosexuals are challenged. .

Comment Re:Global warming is bunk anyway. (Score 1) 367

It's only "warming" in the sense of a global average

Which also has not been warming either for the past decade or so. :-)

For which, there are a lot of excuses but not much warming... all that time CO2 has continue to increase so obviously what temperature changes there are, is disconnected from CO2.

Ah, such a simple way of looking at it. But the increase in energy retained on the Earth by enhanced greenhouse warming manifests itself in several ways. Not only can the troposphere warm up but the oceans and the land surface can warm up and ice can melt. When you look at the whole picture it's obvious that the Earth continues to warm.

Since around 93% of the warming goes into the oceans normally is doesn't take much of a shift to make a difference in tropospheric warming which is what you've been seeing. There are some hints that that situation may be about to swing back to the situation we had in the 1980's and 1990's so all I can say is enjoy your "no warming for the past decade or so" while you can, it won't last.

Ah I can help you there. The ARGOS floats show no signs of that heat being "hidden" in the oceans. So I'd have to say that 99.7% of your argument was bullshit with made-up statistics on top.

Thanks for playing.

Comment Re:Already fixed (Score 1) 287

A simple fix (why am I helping Walmart? Because fraud is fraud) is to present the evidence to a customer information point, where they will check whether the price given is actually offered by Amazon and give a voucher with a code of some kind which can be used at checkout.

Result: Fraud stopped in its tracks.

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