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Comment Re:What? East Texas Jury? (Score 4, Insightful) 151

If they are so familiar with the topic, then why do they side with crazy so frequently?

One theory I've heard is this "industry" is a huge boon for the town. All the local businesses (false fronts and not) setting up shop, all the lawyers flying in and out of town...this puts big $$ into the local economy. The region knows they own this niche market, and want the customers to return.

Its no different than locals supporting regional activities that could be questionable to the big picture....such as for argument's sake, big oil, coal mining, big corn, improper fishing, etc.

Comment Re:The Joke's on Them (Score 2) 188

Your web site accepts donations via PayPal, a US company. Your site is listed in Google, a US company. You post regularly on slashdot, a US website. Odds are that if you use the Internet, you rely on US-based Internet companies, and thus SOPA / PIPA will affect you. Sorry for the bad news.

Comment Re:Kodak's Moment (Score 2, Insightful) 190

How is this +5? Over the past decades Apple has:

-(Re)invented the home computer market
-(Re)invented the digital music market
-(Re)invented the mobile phone market
-(Re)Invented the mobile app market
-(Re)invented the tablet market

Like them or not, equating Apple to a non-innovating dinosaur like Kodak is about the worst analogy I have seen on /, ... and that is saying something.

Comment Re:I don't understand what went wrong (Score 1) 218

I think a huge reason (outside of obvious issues like UI and outages), is Android's / IOS's ability to connect DIRECTLY to your company's Exchange Servers essentially FOR FREE. I say essentially free, as there is some Exchange setup required, but the cost is one-time and small. Not only is this setup less costly, it is also more architecturally sound as it eliminates the Blackberry service's "middleman" between your device and your company's mail server.

This completely undermines BB's business model.

Comment No (Score 1) 405

I think a lot of the allure of overclocking is the challenge to see if it can be done.


Its like squeezing an extra 2 hp out of your muscle car by modifying the exhaust or reprogramming the chip. Can you really notice the difference between 410 and 412 hp, and isn't 410 enough? No and Yes, but people cannot resist.


People like to tinker and push tech to the limits, which probably leads to progress in said tech. Overclocking of any sort will never die.

Comment Re:How should a computer behave? (Score 1) 603

I can't help wondering just how could a piece of code, which presumable didn't test its' input data for validity before acting on it, become part of a modern jet's onboard software suit?"

News Flash: Bugs Happen. You tube for test flight crashes if you really want to be scared. Flying is still statistically safer than ever, and I will take a modern A330 over the archaic DC10 on a transcontinental flight any day.

I'm surprised there are people who think that we have the technology to program computers to make decisions about how to control things like airplanes better then a human being.

It has consistently been shown that Human factors are "currently the most common factor of aviation crashes."
The number of crashes in 1972: 3000+.... 2010: 1000+. Do you think the amount of technology has increased or decreased since 1972? How about the number of flights? The fact is computers have made flying safer, and any pilot will tell you that.

Comment Next Time.... (Score 1) 954

...Put their jobs on the line. Literally ... If they cannot come up with a consensus, the committee members are fired / impeached immediately. We'll see how deep those lines in the sand really are.

Ironically ultimatums like this also work with fighting children: "You two get along or I'll turn this car right around!"

Comment Progress (Score 1) 734

I call this progress.

Speed: Email is at least 175,000 times faster (1 second for email vs ~2 days for snail mail, at best)
Environment: Considering paper use, delivery truck emissions, etc....How many times more environmentally friendly is eMail over snail mail? 100X, 10000X?
Cost: how much cheaper is sending an email rather than a letter...again tougher to quantify but it is orders of magnitude.
Reliability: What is the success rate of email vs snail mail?

I mean honestly we might as well be subsidizing a carrier pigeon service or telegraph technology.

No politician will downsize USPS due to the loss of jobs. I have to think we would be able to invest this money to more progressive endeavors, which would create some jobs (albeit not 500K of them)

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