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Comment Re:how does it "look" different (Score 2) 599

It is difficult to describe without seeing it. You become much more conscious that you are looking at actors wearing costumes standing on a set. I've had a similar sense with some movies in blu-ray, although this is different. Now, 48fps is really cool for scenes with perspective motion, as you feel tricked into thinking you are part of the scene.

Comment Re:Bias? (Score 1) 99

The "researchers" tested the service a few days after it's release, and compared it with other similar apps that had months, if not years time to polish and get up to date?

Would you apply this logic to all products and services, including those made by Apple, Sony, and Microsoft? How long should a service be available before a review or study is acceptable?

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It's not an optical illusion, it just looks like one. -- Phil White
