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Comment Re:Analog joysticks (Score 2, Interesting) 120

Speaking from experience of 286 years, sometimes the analog would not calibrate right. And even when you calibrated, if you didn't push the stick the full degree to its range of motion, it would not know you moved there. Red Baron was a great game to play though with analog. Speaking of Red Baron, why haven't they came out with a modern version of it for Internet play? That could be a great game.

Oh later, another good game was Stunt Island. Remember how you could make your own movies? How cool would it be if Disney made Stunt Island 2? Then you make your own maps, share them with others to play. Then they can rate and play them? Also, sometimes the movies are funny. If there was an automatic feature to post them to youtube, that could be cool to share your movies. And in game, there could be a rating system to see which ones are the funniest by user vote.

Comment Re:Darwin +1 Creationism +0 (Score 2, Informative) 293

There is such a thing as "long day creationism". God may have created the universe over billions of years. The same Hebrew word "day" in Genesis is used in other parts of scripture to mean "ages" or "indefinite amount of time". There is no where in the Bible that says the world is only 6000 years old. That number is simply assumptions some random priest made hundreds of years ago, there's no reason why he must be correct, and I believe he is wrong. I have an article with more detail here.

Comment Re:Twitter? (Score 1) 76

Thats what I get for not using preview. The first sentence is supposed to read,"I once thought Twitter was not useful". The funny thing is I also thought TeamLiquid.Net was a useless site too, but that is where I met my coauthor Victor Nunez. We were both #1 in the world(at different times) for Warcraft3 and we explained how we evangelized to people in game. We were planning on doing it again in Starcraft2, but he has school, and I have that job I got through Twitter. Maybe later I'll get into SC2 seriously. Starcraft2 is a very good game at the highest level because of many reasons. I recommend it to all people who like competitive games and don't get upset with losing occassionally.

Comment Re:Twitter? (Score 1) 76

I once thought Twitter was useful, but I found Twitter is very useful for me.
As a Christian, I like to find like minded Christians and to tell non-Christians about the joy and exceeding highs God can give(also eternal life).
I've found a job through Twitter because my tweets got retweeted by a Sky Angel employee to an indie start up video game development company. I've been working with now for about a year, but my project started in March of this year. We're releasing a game that is a throw back to Gauntlet, and as far as I can tell, I hope it raises the bar on quality for Flash games. I'll submit a post about the game to Slashdot when it is finished. Alternatively you can check every two weeks until it is published.

Now I just finished my first book this week. It is a compiled book of articles from If you don't want to buy the book, all the articles can be read for free on the website. The main reason for doing a book was so I can witness to friends and family without the automatic rejection system people have in place for the Bible sometimes. I'm on such a high from this experience with God I can't put it in words. I could be the most elated person on the planet for the past 3 days. When we about finished publishing the book, I felt the need to pray for the book, yet I couldn't think up a long prayer so I prayed,"God, I hope everything is cool", in less than a second, without knowing my prayer, my coauthor IMed me,"Everything is cool". It is nice after doing a work about God when you worry you may have overstepped too much into theoretics that God approves of your book. My biggest task now is to not get a big head on me and to not have the "yeast of the Pharisees" to somehow think I know more about God than I do. It's really important to not say more than you know when it comes to God because it can lead people away from the faith of goodness and love.

Comment I was idly thinking about this the other day (Score 2, Interesting) 239

What if the US did away with cash, and instead we started using credits like scifi? Well at first you'd think you'd carry a credit card around, and maybe a device to transfer credits from one to another with an indicator of how many transfer so no one cheats? Then I figured the device could be on the card itself, and two cards interact in a certain method.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to look over how a politician obtains and spends his money? Public officials should lose their privacy while they're in office and all their money transactions should be able to be scrutinized.

Illegal sales like drugs would be more difficult to do because if someone gets caught by the police, the police could then scan the offender's device and see all of his contacts.

Of course you automatically upload to the IRS every tax season at least and FBI maybe more. I'm thinking with cell phone capabilities, it could auto network.

I guess there are a lot of downsides to this too that I'm not seeing, but since it has some good points its worth at least idly talking about. What are some downsides we'd have if we moved to an all credit system? I guess one would be the worry that the government could seize your money with a few clicks. Or maybe two would be hackers.

Comment I wouldn't want to experiment w my own exoskeleton (Score 1) 135

I'm a coder, and I like coding, but sometimes I wonder about making robots.

Imagine if you made it so if you pull the arm to one side. Then instead of stopping, the device kept moving you arm around your body, and ripped off a limb. You can't dismember yourself doing code. Exoskeleton development could be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing.

Comment Re:Dumb Question.... (Score 1) 473

People in counties with no cyber laws do it because they're typically congratulated if found out instead of imprisoned. Also if you write for a botnet, you can then leverage your botnet to do interesting stuff mimicing a super computer, or just have an extensive proxy network where you can game social systems. The main reason is a lot of people will do scummy things to make money.

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