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Submission + - Asus EcoBook -- Bamboo laptop

An anonymous reader writes: CNET.co.uk has a photo story of a bamboo laptop created by Asus. The Asus Ecobook looks a lot like a MacBook Pro, but is made of real bamboo. The wood above each of its ports is engraved, the keys on the keyboard are designed to mimic the look of bamboo joints, and best of all it's biodegradeable.
User Journal

Journal Journal: the value of a dupe

Duped stories are common on /. Everyone is aware of this. However, most people seem to be enraged by dupes, I think this is really uncalled for and they actually have value. I'll go over this point by point:
  • It is possible to miss the first posting. This is especially true if you have something of value to comment on the article, but your words woulod be buried in the original thread, but may have a chance of being seen in the dupe. Remember that not everyone collects
User Journal

Journal Journal: moderation is annoying

I joined /. because I started reading, and I was often more interested in the comments than the stories (depending on the story), and every now and then I'd throw my two cents in. Thing is, when you throw your two cents in as an AC it's really $0.00. This is, of course, because most ACs are just trolls that would have horrible karma as a registered user.

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