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Comment Re:A good day for Open Source / Free Software (Score 4, Insightful) 262

The difference is that users in your country can self-support and continue local development of the software, even if they are cut off from US-based communities. If the native language is not English, of course in this case it's Spanish, there are likely to be language-specific discussion and self-support sites already in use by people in that country.

Submission + - SPAM: Longest Running Webcams

An anonymous reader writes: After 25 years of showing the grey sky of San Francisco, FogCam has shut down. This may (?) make Fishcam (also running since 1994) the current longest running webcam. By comparison, Watching Grass Grow has "only" been around since 2006 and is equally as exciting — here's 12 years of a front lawn in 2.5 minutes.

What other notable long-running webcams are out there?

Comment Anti-SLAPP - does your state have it yet? (Score 3, Informative) 68

You have a First Amendment right to state your opinion.

Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation are a problem everywhere, and are brought to curtail that right. Some, but not all US states, have an anti-SLAPP law. Having been sued for 3 Million dollars for giving my opinion that someone violated the GPL, I know the value of the California anti-SLAPP law. The plaintiff had to take out this $300,000 bond to pay for my defense. Stay tuned!

Comment Not all good (Score 1) 269

Please consider that the store employees face a really significant risk of being hurt or killed in a robbery. Just search the news for "7-11 killed". Although they can put excess cash in a vault that they can't open, this does not deter the drug-user with a gun, who needs another dose now.

Comment Good safety record on reused rockets now (Score 5, Interesting) 50

SpaceX now has a better safety record on reused rockets than new ones. Two new rockets failed, and no reused ones.

I hope they resolve the Crew Dragon issue soon. Depending on the Russians for access to space is a non-starter, and if Boeing has another problem with their rocket, which hasn't been a picnic so far, we're stuck.

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