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Comment Re:Since when (Score 1) 328

Since the NSA decided that they want to run cyber-security for everyone, not just the government. First they have to scare us before we turn over the Internet to them. The wingnuts at the Wall Street Journal are happy to get their story out. You did notice that there are no specifics about which facilities were attacked?

Comment Re:they should not turn it on (Score 4, Informative) 243

You are ignorant; the universe is already conducting high-energy physics experiments. They are called cosmic rays, and some of them are billions of times more powerful than the LHC. Yet the earth is still here. And your notion that we delay until we completely understand the laws of physics is comical. What do you think the LHC is for? It's to help us understand the laws of physics! You don't discover laws of physics by just thinking deeply. You discover them by experimentation.

Comment I'd suggest being diplomatic but firm (Score 1) 675

Tell them that you can only give them three weeks at most, and that you'll do your best to help them with a smooth transition. If someone suggests that they'll give you a bad reference as a consequence, tell them you understand that they're pissed off now, but you're confident that once they calm down, and perhaps consult with corporate legal, they'll see the wisdom of giving fair and honest information to any future employer who asks, and it would be better to spend the next three weeks working together than fighting.

And if they still want to be dicks after that, make it two weeks, and say that you'd prefer not to get attorneys involved, with a bit of stress on the prefer.

Comment This is already done (Score 1) 183

Perhaps it's just the journalists messing this up, but the article suggests that these guys think that only amplitude and frequency are used in digital communication. However, every modern digital communication standard uses the phase as well, which is equivalent to a twist.

Wikipedia has a reasonably easy-to-follow explanation of how this works.

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