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Submission + - Bomb Threat At Apple! (

lawnboy5-O writes: The campus, which serves in part as a distribution and call center for the Cupertino, Calif., consumer electronics maker, received a telephone call of the bomb threat sometime between 8:05 a.m. and 8:10 a.m. local time, said Elk Grove police officer Chris Trim.

Apple declined to comment, deferring all questions to the Elk Grove Police Department.

Comment 9 ways to Sunday (Score 2) 194

I means these blokes are in boardrooms licking their proverbial chops, and we are on the pick wheel.

Its look like the rapacious beginnings of the cable industry all over again, but this time you count amongst you shaledowns fees for your refrigerator's call to the repairman. 'wonder if there will be an opt out for that?

its looking spooky, people.

Comment Re:Disposal (Score 1) 321

They are infinitely recyclable and bio degradable, and already in use in some fashion; and improvements keep coming everyday - these materials are not any more difficult to produce and do not take more energy to create - let alone how easy they are to source...!5490624/ibm-develops-infinitely-recyclable-plant+based-plastic
It a major improvement over petroleum plastics -

Moreover - how about 'dem, plant based cleaners - way better than their petroleum counterparts - and I think the same FUD was thrown at them as well.

Comment Re:still has trouble with... (Score 3, Interesting) 143

Its interesting that you think epistemology actually plays a part for the flipping computer.

I could only agree if we are speaking of computer that is intending - by and within its design - to learn like, as well as act like us in a mature state. I agree this may be the most pure way for getting AI to resemble the human condition (for a lack of a better way to put it), but executing on this path is entirely a red herring.

I would say that trying to understand and emulate the learning process is 10 to 100 orders magnitude over the the effort of just getting the damn thing to work at a common, layman intellectual level.

We have no real understanding how we learn, empirically scientifically speaking - we are only beginning to understand this now. The understanding of this process changes rapidly and while we think we have momentum currently, more major unknowns exist. In fact, we don't know what we dont know at this point.

Its been debated as long as man has had the ability too, however... but even throughout the thousands of years of philosophical deep diving, it wasn't until the age of enlightenment that Kant finally got everyone on board for "Epistemology First" in our understanding of our world - we must first understand how we learn about this place, before we can debate the ontological status of the world around us and have any meaningful debate of its metaphysics. Theocratic or not, this rings true - and its only added more complexities to the struggle of what we know about ourselves.

And now, you want to build a robot to approach this condition.. Insanity. The effort is pure insanity and full of hubris. Lets work on simple tasks, and try to get those right, first. And how baout an honest look on who the fuck we are as emotional, sentient, chemically riding and wicked imperfect machines ourselves, before we attempt to perfect it in a model.

The only real saving grace is that this effort could actually be such a mirror for man kind, and accelerate our understanding of ourselves, if only slightly.

Comment Re:Apples and oranges... (Score 2) 143

As an undergrad philosophy student, I worked on the "reductionism" of Physics Theories (a sub set of simple Newtonian Mechanics) to sentential logical statements - presumably for an effort to map them to computer programing.

The task was daunting for and undergrad... and what we ended up with was not so intuitive. I can only imagine mapping the depth and breath of the brain - and in fact would postulate that it can not be done with any adherence to soundness and validity using todays digital hierarchy. New hardware is indeed needed.

I'm not even sure we would recognize the requirements for such said hardware, either. As most of these specialize d application grow organically form our efforts in software, we are just that far from a real solution for pure AI that resembles intimately the human condition. That leap of imagination just has not been taken yet, if even possible.

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