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Comment Re:It can be done - Spain example (Score 1) 506

California is very very similar to Spain in many senses, geo- and demographically. There's one big population center right in the middle, and then lots of dense areas throughout the coast. In comparison, California's population is much more concentrated in 2-3 areas. Besides, what does that have to do with managing variable output?

Comment Re:There are only three sports (Score 1) 602

Have you seen cats (I assume the same is true for wilder animals) training their kitties to hunt mice? They catch the prey and weaken it until it's almost passed out, then hand it over to the kitties. They play with it, biting and tapping on it. Eventually, the mouse gets a hold of itself and attempts to escape, only to again being trapped by the adult cat, and the game begins all over. I know, we're more rational than cats and should know better than to torture animals, but my argument is that the 15 minutes of suffering for a "toro bravo" are nothing compared to what your typical cattle head goes through for life.

Comment Re:There are only three sports (Score 1) 602

And my point is that it's not a sport. It's a show, entertainment basically. As per the cat argument, I don't see your point. For a bull, there seem to be two life options here in the West: Meat source or show business (and then most likely also meat source). If I were to pick one, I'd go for the latter. Protesting bullfighting while eating meat or dairy products is cynical at best.

Comment Re:There are only three sports (Score 1) 602

Funny, nobody in Spain calls it a sport, neither supporters nor opponents. Besides that, bulls do retire undefeated on a semi-regular basis. They're spared when they're considered exceptional, and they become luxury studs for their owners. Don't get me wrong, I don't like bullfighting; Never been to a "corrida" although both my grandfathers loved it. But if you're against bullfights and you're not a vegan, I'd be tempted to use the hypocrite card. The life of a bullfighting bull, even the ones that are not spared, is much better than that of most animals in our food chain.

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