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Comment Re:Labeling (Score 3, Interesting) 228

It isn't like you'll suddenly stop being autistic because you forgot you had it.

As someone with Asperger's, my experience has shown it to be much the opposite.

I have developed certain behaviours when it comes to dealing with people, but they still require me to be conscious of the situation. As soon as I stop doing so, I usually slip back into my old behaviours.

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 663

If I'm a Ruby developer am I aware that in a .NET language if I add two strings together in c# "Hello" + "World" It constructs a new immutable string. But if I do String.Format("{0}{1}","Hello","World" it is much faster and uses less memory?

I'd hope you didn't believe that at all. I can't really speak in terms of memory usage, but in terms of CPU time, using String.Format() as you described is actually takes around 50 times as long as simply using the + operator.

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