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Comment Re:Latency (Score 1) 125

That's not so unusual. Nowadays things probably aren't so shiny due to the extreme overselling and poor use of QoS techniques, but 5/6 years ago (when I still played) it was standard to have pings of 6-20 ms to national servers and 15-30 to those in some (well connected) countries in Western Europe (UK and Netherlands-based servers were popular). All this over, at the time, a 4 Mbps cable connection. So you can move to 5-years-ago Portugal too, in addition to the GP's "in the middle of Europe" country :P

Comment Re:The law is on London's side (Score 1) 526

1. Go for jury service
2. Nullify law
3. ?

Ok, this was a really bad "profit!" intance, but what's with the recent jury nullification histeria? Everytime I read a YRO story in the last few months there's always someone cheering for jury nullification. Please, let's just go back to GNAA, at least it was funnier.

Comment Re:Who needs the price cut? (Score 3, Interesting) 149

You people in the US tend to use hourly, weekly, monthly, yearly wages. Over here, when we refer to salaries, it's pretty much implicit that we're talking about monthly salaries, as it's very rare to use any other timeframe (except maybe for your hourly example, but, given the context, that's obvious anyway). I don't think I ever had the need to attach the interval when refering to salaries.

Comment Graphs (Score 1) 427

I'm definitely not an authority on either Linux or Windows audio, but I see something wrong with this statement:

Graphs like these are very misleading. OpenAL, SDL, libao, GStreamer, NAS, Allegro, and more all exist on Windows too. I don't see anyone complaining there.

Looking at both graphs, there's a striking difference: I don't see any loops in the Windows one (though, not being complete, there could be some). I don't see any major problems with library diversity, but the fact that there is no apparent hierarchy does confuse me.

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