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Comment Re:Govt Seizure of Private Business (Score 1) 169

People forget that Adam Smith's 'free markets' were markets that had freedom of entry and exit, not markets free of regulation. Your example is a good one because it shows how gov't participation takes an area that, because of the infrastructure required, is a difficult market to enter for a new player and transforms it into a 'free market', where new participants can enter with little cost.

Comment Re:I'm sure it didn't help. (Score 1) 1040

And yet, when I was a legal resident of Japan with a valid work visa and entry permit (obtained for $50 several weeks before leaving) I was fingerprinted every time I reentered. But we never hear of people railing against the injustice of Japan's policies? Dow we simply hold them to a lower standard or does nobody go there? Or is it just more fun to yell at the US?

Comment Re:I'm sure it didn't help. (Score 1) 1040

Really we never took pride in being a melting pot at the time immigration was happening. WE look back with pride on our own ancestors while complaining about the hordes of dirty foreigners who are ruining the country now, and we more or less always have. I am always struck by how unchanging nativist sentiment in this country is. In the 1840s and 50s it was the No Nothing party complaining about the Germans and Irish flooding the country, then it was the Italians and other undesirable Southern Europeans and Catholics, then it was the Eastern Europeans and most especially the Jews. Xenophobia has always been a fixture of this country's political discourse, only mellowed by the passage of time and the death of racists.

Comment Re:Well Then (Score 1) 754

I would say it is somewhat unsurprising that a chiropractic adjustment helped with head and neck pain. The point where you should start to get a bit more skeptical is where they start telling you an adjustment can fix you stomach trouble, your insomnia, your depression, your cancer, your alcoholism etc.

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