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Submission + - ISO Updates C Standard (h-online.com)

An anonymous reader writes: The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has published the new specifications for the C programming language. The standard is known unofficially as C1X and was published officially as ISO/IEC 9899:2011. It provides greater compatibility with the C++ language and adds new features to C (as indicated in the draft).

Comment Re:Why is this even news? (Score 2) 353

Yes, but part of what makes GoDaddy evil is their penchant for doing things that look EXACTLY like things this bill does. (ie bow to corporate interests regardless of what's better for EVERYONE ELSE.)

I know 2 people personally who have had their domains revoked by GoDaddy. When they asked why, they were told they violated the GoDaddy terms of service.

Neither of them had anything illegal or even questionable on their websites. GoDaddy refused to elaborate. A few weeks later, their domains both belonged to large corporations.

Comment Re:No (Score 3, Interesting) 601

Actually, in a cursory search of my mail logs, it appears approximately 40% of all mail heading out of and coming into my server (Exim4) are using some form of encryption. Including Google, Yahoo, and Messagelabs. (We're a small independent hosting company, our customers are not particularly technically apt nor inept; mostly small-medium businesses.)

The answer to the original question for me is: no. I use TLS to talk to my own mailserver, but the only 'secret' stuff that I send over email (which still isn't very secret) goes to my business partner who uses the same server, and TLS himself.

That said, even that stuff's not 'super seekrit', as any business we have to do that would be considered important not to be intercepted we have other channels, or just getting together in person for.

Comment Good ol' Canada. (Score 1) 216

The actual rate for the electricity is about 5.4c /kWh. But after taxes, storage fees, transport fees, and my favourite, 'debt retirement fee', it's $.11-$.13/kWh.

I tried including portions of my line of credit balance and mortgage in my bills to my customers in my business, but they told me to go fuck myself.

Funny that.

Comment I'll probably always own a TV. (Score 1) 349

Although if it weren't for live sporting events, I'd have dumped cable/satellite by now. Netflix gives me enough of what I need as far as programming goes, and with dumbass networks like NBC shelving wonderful shows like Community while keeping shit like 'the Biggest Loser', I see no reason to support their bullshit.

If NHL Centre Ice would give me all 82 games of my favourite team, I'd drop satellite like a bad habit.

The TV stays though; if nothing else, it's used by Netflix/the game consoles/whatever.

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U X e dUdX, e dX, cosine, secant, tangent, sine, 3.14159...
