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Comment Re:Yay, religion of peace! (Score 2, Interesting) 490

It is the religion of 'peace'. They just define 'peace' a little differently.

Go out, and spread the religion by any peaceful means necessary. If your friend won't accept Allah, peacefully flog him in the streets. If someone insults Allah, peacefully remove his head. If a group refuses to convert to Islam, very peacefully bring your guns and bombs and peacefully kill as many of them as you can. If possible, obtain a peaceful nuclear weapon, and detonate it peacefully in their cities. They will be at peace. We bring them PEACE in the name of Allah!

Comment Re:"free" education costs too much (Score 1) 703

In my state they made preschool "free". Within the year the tuition costs tripled from previous levels that were flat the previous 5 years. Every time the government offers something for free it's cost becomes unbearable.

So what you are really saying is that contracting out work that should be handled by the government to private businesses results in problems? Didn't see that one coming.

Comment Re: noooo (Score 0) 560

Nuclear is the only viable solution to replace fossil fuels as our primary source of power generation.

Yeah! You're either for us, or against us. You must be either on, or off. You're like a fucking light switch. There is no room for fuzzy, gray, socialistic, faggotry thinking.

Can't you assholes get that through your thick skulls?!

Comment Re:Agreed. (Score 2, Interesting) 341

The pope is nothing compared to liberals. Liberals have ALL the answers to life's problems. They also have a cohesive set of beliefs and standards that will create a perfect society if only the unwashed would listen to them, and follow their tenants religiously. In this sense Liberals ARE GOD, and are much much more important that some faggy as pedo called the pope. Don't believe me, just ask a liberal. She or he will tell you that in fact she is Perfect, and then wage a sin tax on you for being white.

All must bow to the magnificence of liberal thought.

I christen thee Stupidest Post of 2014

Comment Re:Slashdot's refusal to accept climate change... (Score 1) 341

You see the same thing whenever feminism comes up. Another reliable way to bring out the morons is anything like "Hey, guys, rape is bad and people who do it are bad people."

If you equate rape with the few marginal forms of gender discrimination that still exist, you are part of the problem.


OMG! HAHA! That's some funny shit right there. That's why I keep coming here, exchanges like that.

Comment Re:No group "owns" any day on the calendar. (Score 0) 681

The only thing offensive is that there are still people who think that Christmas is Jesus' (Joshua, Yeshua) was born on Christmas day.

Okay, there are TWO things that are offensive - the other is that nominally educated people can't spell "believe".

  • Cunt
  • Cocksucker
  • Motherfucker

Okay, now theirs lik 3 offensive things, if i've spelt thatt shit rite.

Calling someone out for a typo while making a typo is also offensive ... or something.

Also, your first sentence made my eyes bleed.

Comment Re:Great observational skills (Score 1) 99

Guess what, humans are essentially the only ones who can't tell when bad weather is coming.

Conversely: humans are the only ones who can tell that not only is bad weather coming, but the probability of how much it will precipitate on a given area, and how long it will last and how high the winds will be, etc., etc., etc.

We just don't do it with some built in internal sensor ... yet.

Comment Re:Fire all the officers? (Score 2) 515

We love to rag on cops, but they do a dangerous job...

I keep hearing this over and over, but you know what jobs are more dangerous?

  1. 1. Logging workers
  2. 2. Fishers and related fishing workers
  3. 3. Aircraft pilot and flight engineers
  4. 4. Roofers
  5. 5. Structural iron and steel workers
  6. 6. Refuse and recyclable material collectors
  7. 7. Electrical power-line installers and repairers
  8. 8. Drivers/sales workers and truck drivers
  9. 9. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers
  10. 10. Construction laborers

There may be more, that's just the top 10 in the US.


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