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Comment Re:gay (Score 1) 1713

So download the SDK and develop software yourself! Oh, and don't complain about the $99 devloper program fee-- It's quite a bit cheaper than a copy of Visual Studio and comes w/ all the tools you need. Plus, if the iPhone is any sign of what software on the iPad will be like (and it should be given they share an app framework and it can run iPhone apps) 70+% of apps will be free.

China Arrests Thousands In Internet Porn Crackdown 204

Clandestine_Blaze writes "Chinese police have arrested 5,394 people — with another 4,186 criminal cases in the works — in one of the largest crackdowns on Internet porn in the country. Even more arrests are expected in 2010, according to the Ministry of Public Security's website (In Chinese or Google translated into English). According to the Reuters article on the crackdown, one of the justifications was that the pornography was 'threatening the emotional health of children.' From the English translation of the Ministry of Public Security's website linked above, it appears that certain provinces are also offering 1,000 yuan and 2,000 yuan rewards, per person, for reporting illegal websites to the government."

Comment Looking at it wrong (Score 4, Informative) 441

It would be just as correct to say that they found that 97% of their users are not properly taking advantage of their *unlimited* data plans. I've heard their argument with regard to home cable internet service. "1% of users are responsible for 90% of bandwidth usage". Well, when 99% of your users don't really need 6Mbps, but are paying for it anyway, they're being oversold. Those that take advantage of what they pay for are making good use of it. We need to turn this problem on it's head. Maybe automatic tiered pricing up to the unlimited plan. That would be more fair to light users. Of course, in that case, it is in AT&T's best interest to do nothing.

Comment Re:Touch screens and the like (Score 1) 255

People manage to input text fairly well on touchscreens without feedback. And have been for a while now.


Posting from my PHONE WITH A KEYBOARD while waiting in line to use the TOUCH SCREEN grocery store self-checkout and then the ATM.

Looks like your "phone with a keyboard" has a sticky caps-lock key. That wouldn't have happened with a soft keyboard.

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