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Comment Re:HAVE YOU ALL FUCKING LOST IT? (Score 3, Insightful) 374

It's not a trap question. You're vehemently against child porn, correct? What I described is child porn. Do you support such prosecution or not. Yes or No.

And yes, your desire to break bones and report to the FBI anyone that dares even discuss whether child porn laws are appropriate speaks volumes about your common sense.

Comment Re:HAVE YOU ALL FUCKING LOST IT? (Score 1) 374

Stop dodging the question. You've made it quite clear that you are adamantly against child porn, whether it be production, distribution, or just possession. It therefore follows that you believe that if a 16 year old girl takes a nude sexual picture of herself in the mirror, she should be charged with production and possession of child pornography.

In that hypothetical scenario, do you support prosecuting that 16 year old girl? Yes or No. BTW, if you say no, then you (by your own statements) are enabling sexual predators to rape a child. If you say yes you lack enough common sense for anyone to bother taking any more of your comments seriously.

Comment Re:HAVE YOU ALL FUCKING LOST IT? (Score 4, Insightful) 374

Maybe I just don't like to watch people tell me that child pornography is a victimless crime. Maybe I don't like that Slashdot has so suddenely entrenched itself with ADVOCATES of child pornography

Wait... so you want to physically harm people just for making a simple argument on a text-based web site? That's pretty fucked up. You should seek counseling.

And also: I assume since you're sooo anti-child porn that you also support prosecuting teenagers who possess and distribute pictures of themselves. Because it's black and white right? Right and wrong? And child pornography, as everyone has told you... err I mean as everyone knows, is horrible terrible stuff. So we should lock those teens away for victimizing themselves. Right? Right?!?

Comment Re:Western society's sexual psychosis (Score 1) 374

So victims of child abuse that becomes child porn should not expect that pictures of humiliation

Wait, are you talking about any pictures of humiliation? Because if we could make it a federal felony to possess pictures of when I shat my pants in 2nd grade, that would be great.

Or does only the sexual stuff matter?

Comment Re:HAVE YOU ALL FUCKING LOST IT? (Score 1) 374

Mod me flamebait all you want, you sick fuck. Ignoring me won't change what a sick fuck you've become. My opinion doesn't change the fact that masturbating to children means you are a sick fuck. I wasn't the one who drew the lines, I'm just letting you know that you Are A Sick Fuck That Needs To Get Help Like NOW, you sick childfucker.

Well, well, aren't you a rational one. I can't imagine why you're having trouble getting your points across.

You seem angry. Maybe you watched too many Hulk tv shows when you were younger?

Comment Re:Cencorship, etc (Score 1) 374

Yes. People have probably already been charged with crimes like that, it's conspiracy. Are you saying it's ok to finance child porn as long as you're not the one committing it? I don't know how that would make any current law unnecessary though.

No, I'm saying your analogy was false because the only way someone would be charged with paying for a snuff film is it they paid someone to commit a crime. Hence the conspiracy.

The same would not hold true in the vast majority of child pornography situations, where a person may be paying for it or simply downloading it well after the abuse has occurred, and wouldn't know the actual child abuser at all. If you wanted to revamp the laws to fit with your snuff film example, then all the current child pornography possession and distribution laws would be off the books.

Comment Re:Western society's sexual psychosis (Score 1) 374

Also, in most cases these pictures are sold, not given away freely.

I love how this argument is trotted out and then denied, depending on the context.

Ask why child porn possession is a bad thing? ----> It's a multi-billion dollar industry, the financial incentive causes more abuse of children
Ask why the exact opposite is argued in MPAA/RIAA situations -----> It's not really about money, it's about demand. The mere knowledge that there is demand causes more abuse of children

Comment Re:Show us the evidence or shut up. (Score 3, Insightful) 374

It has been shown, in multiple studies, that pornography leads to sexual deviancy and inconsistent expectations of sex

All studies completed by family first and christian groups I'm sure. Do you realize that sex crimes in general have gone down in the last twenty years? Do you know what went up in the last twenty years? Pornography consumption, thanks to the internet. A lot.

Comment Re:Cencorship, etc (Score 3, Interesting) 374

People that seek this out are just as responsible as the people making the content.

I have trouble understanding this logic. Someone who seeks out a picture of a child being abused (say on a free p2p network) are just as responsible as the person who actually abused the child? There's no difference to you? Really?

You can be damned sure that if you were paying someone to make snuff tapes you'd be charged along with the producers.

Maybe, under a conspiracy charge, yes. Yet if you were just seeking out snuff tapes you wouldn't be charged. Or if you just possess snuff tapes. Or even if you pay someone for snuff tapes after the fact. By that logic we could charge people with conspiracy to commit sexual abuse of a child if they were paying for a child to be abused before it actually occurred, and thus our current child porn laws would be unnecessary. Otherwise your analogy is completely false.

Comment Re:I try every new KDE4 release, but... (Score 1) 249

He's absolutely right. At the end of the day, the KDE 4.x series moved as quickly as it did, probably because of broad user feedback. nothing beats good quality user feedback, or having people rant on their blogs about how software X should have feature Y etc.

I disagree. The bugs in 4.0 were so glaring that there was no need for user feedback. For instance, keyboard shortcuts for things such as the terminal didn't work (and still didn't work in 4.1). This isn't something you need user feedback on. The KDE team deliberately chose to ignore obvious bugs in their software and still release it as being out of beta.

And look, they weren't exactly unclear about it - they stated fairly openly that it was a beta-ish release, and they were trying to get user feedback. It's an open-source project, release early, release often.

That's not the way I remember it at all. I think they were very forthcoming about it being a beta-ish release after the release when they started receiving heavy criticism.

Put it this way, if you can install KDE/Linux, I'm sure you can put up with a bit of quirkiness in your desktop manager, or file a bug report.

A bit of quirkiness is fine, but having the next major release of one of the most used linux desktop environments be an unusable buggy mess is an entirely different matter.

Comment Re:I try every new KDE4 release, but... (Score 1) 249

Then why is it that trolls like you have been bringing it up EVERY fucking KDE article/announcement since then? Really, what the fuck is the big deal? Is it really that you think KDE is suffering because of the extreme cost of naming conventions? Really?

Terribly sorry that I wish to contribute to the discussion with something other than glowing praise for KDE4. The naming conventions are not a big deal, you're right, but it's another example IMO of how the KDE team is losing perspective on the important things (stability, usability, user feedback), and instead chasing windmills (social desktop, new paradigms, grand marketing strategies) which so far have shown little measure of success.

Comment Re:I try every new KDE4 release, but... (Score 2, Insightful) 249

He's absolutely right. At the end of the day, the KDE 4.x series moved as quickly as it did, probably because of broad user feedback. nothing beats good quality user feedback, or having people rant on their blogs about how software X should have feature Y etc.

Which is why naming it "beta" would have been just fine. Frankly, I don't think the KDE team were very receptive to user feedback after 4.0; I think the wave of harsh criticism and trolling caused them to be a little more inflexible about their version of the "new paradigm".

And look, they weren't exactly unclear about it - they stated fairly openly that it was a beta-ish release, and they were trying to get user feedback. It's an open-source project, release early, release often.

From what I recall, the vast majority of the beta-ish, eat-your-children talk was made after the initial release, while facing a storm of criticism. I remember there being lots of hype prior to the release. I also remember the concerns about 4.0 beta, when the general answer seemed to be: "it's still beta, a lot of these bugs will be ironed out". There was little stability change from the beta stage of the project to the "final" 4.0 stage.

Comment Re:I try every new KDE4 release, but... (Score 2, Informative) 249

Here, a short list of apparently "not big" software projects using Qt: Autodesk Maya, Mathematica, Google Earth, Symbian, MeeGo, Opera, Skype, VLC, VirtualBox, Adobe Photoshop Album, , Last.fm Player, Scribus, Xconfig; not very exhaustive, too.

I think opera moved off of QT in its latest release. But point taken.

Comment Re:I try every new KDE4 release, but... (Score 3, Insightful) 249

It took Google less than a second to turn "kde sc branding" into http://dot.kde.org/2009/11/24/repositioning-kde-brand

I already understood what they were trying to accomplish with their silly renaming... and gawd, that convoluted explanation only makes it worse. Why is the KDE team spending so much time creating arbitrary new naming conventions? No one cares. IMO it comes off as pompous. Similar to when they were insisting that a .0 release signifies extreme beta or alpha quality software.

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