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Comment Re:Well (Score 1) 647

If it can detect presence it more than likely can detect amounts also. So more than likely there will be differing levels of each to warrant a DUI. Being that it detect illegal substances penalties are more than likely going to be a bit stiffer and probably open you up to a visit from cops with warrants to search your house/work/car for drug paraphernalia.

Comment Re:The cops that arrested him must be proud (Score 1) 1016

Cops don't make laws, or get to choose whether or not they should be applied. Ok there are some instances, traffic tickets...etc, that a cop can make a judgement call. But more than likely in this instance the DA called down to the local precinct and said "Arrest him for this...." so the cops did. As to the comparisions to Nazi death camps soldiers...don't you think that's a bit of overkill and maybe a little sensationalistic? As the law defines the kid broke it...and now he has to pay the price. Does that mean the law is crap....well tell your local congressmen/senators and get it taken off the books and the kid will be released. Don't blame the cops for "just doing their job".

Comment Re:I have an idea (Score 1) 691

Oh I agree with you on the fact that some companies have a poor reputation in patch releasing. But if you are that concerned about it affeting your mission critical systems, you should have a testing platform that you can install patches on. All I am saying is with a little planning/prep work most if not all of outbreaks like this could be averted/minimized.

Comment Re:summarizing the article for you... (Score 1) 461

When I heard Karl Urban was cast as McCoy, the first thought through my mind was "What in the hell are they thinking? Hiring such a big guy to play Bones?". While I still have a small problem with the physical attributes not meshing, Ok lists Kelly at 5'10 and 6'1 for Urban but to me Kelly always looked so small compared to Shatner/Nimoy/Doohan in the movies(not so much in the show), his performance as McCoy was honestly my favorite part of the movie. He didn't try to impersonate Kelly's version of McCoy, he made it his own version and stuck to the gruff complainer that the character always was. I felt most of the actors did a very good job in bringing something new to the characters, with out stomping on what the original actor had done.

Comment Re:Doesn't have a built in update mechanism? (Score 1) 376

Well the inherent problem with auto updating IE is its tight intergration into the OS. Were IE more like a regular browser the mechanisims would be different for doing updates. While Windows Update service isn't perfect I wouldn't say Firefox auto update is either. You can choose not to auto update if you wish. So which is worse, choosing to update or to not update?

Foundations of Mac OS X Leopard Security 213

jsuda writes "At least a half-dozen times in the book 'Foundations of Mac OS X Leopard Security' the authors state that there is a misconception that the Macintosh computer is immune from security problems. That allegation may explain why there are very few books published (and nearly none in recent years) about security for the Mac. This book is meant to change all that. The authors acknowledge that the Mac OS X software has had little of the security problem experience of Windows (and other operating systems, to a lesser extent) but they spend 455 pages detailing exactly where and how the Macintosh platform is (or may be) vulnerable." Read below for the rest of Jsuda's review.

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