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Comment Re:Skeptical (Score 1) 409

(5) You must use armored convoys or fly it in while paying hazard pay to the drivers to get the fuel to the isolated bases since placing the bases near population centers would incite additional strife in the local population plus the intense use of computers in the field requires cool temperatures and therefore LOTS of fuel for ACs

Comment Re:The Netbook is dead? (Score 1) 398

> the generally accepted definitions do not preclude the use of hard disks

And THAT, if anything, is what is killing netbooks.

When Asus came out with the EeePC 701, it was something truly different; 9" body (only a 7" display in that first model), SSD only, cheap. It had Linux, but even being the zealot that I am I don't consider that a requirement for a netbook. The 9xx series (full 9" display, same size body) was the pinnacle of netbook evolution from my point of view. (Arguably surpassed by the Asus T91MT, but that one had a crappy GPU which wasn't useful in Linux).

Nowadays, there are "netbooks" up to 12" in size, you almost can't find a 9" anymore, and SSD are uncommon. Basically, the term "netbook" has come to just mean "crappy laptop".

Comment Re:Wrong way to look at range. (Score 1) 113

> it is not trivial to take the long road trips into account

It is *kinda* trivial. ;) Back when I lived in dorms and then apartments, I kept a minivan because I had to move frequently, and needed the cargo room. Shortly after I bought a home, my van died and I was shopping for a vehicle. A week or so into the process it occurred to me that I no longer required moving capacity, so I was able to buy an ultra-compact and save buckets of money and fuel. Once a year or so if I find a piece of furniture or other large thing I need to move, and I rent a U-Haul truck.

Same logic applies to battery electrics; I make about two trips per year that are out of range of, say, a Nissan Leaf. I've run the numbers and I come out _way, waaaayy_ ahead by commuting with the Leaf and renting a Yaris or a Civic or something twice a year. A lot of communities are starting up car-sharing systems for an even more flexible and lower cost option.

Comment Re:It's like watching a train wreck. (Score 1) 462

> I would love to have lower taxes. Who wouldn't?

Unless you make more than $300,000USD/year, Obama has lowered your taxes.

I'd much rather have slightly higher taxes and have a healthcare system modeled on France or the UK, better public transportation infrastructure, free or heavily subsidized college education, a revitalized space program, and a raft of other things that would make the country run better for everyone.

Of course, we could fund all of this and still keep GWBush's billionaire tax cuts by cancelling just one war, but that's a third rail that no politician can survive contact with.

Comment Re:Can You Say - Perpetual Arms Race? (Score 1) 451

-nod- I realize this is an expression of the spam problem, and therefore the "Your plan won't work for the following reasons" form letter applies. However, without the financial incentive to get their shit through, plus the fact that every target potentially has a different set of filters (as opposed to say, Gmail, where if you can get something through it goes through for everyone) we might not be in worst-case territory here.

At any rate, the least you could say is that it *would* be an arms race, whereas now the non-trolls are completely unarmed.

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