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Comment Re:Wrong argument (Score 1) 606

but the point is that discrimination is everywhere and employed by all sorts of people.

And my point is that discrimination should be deplored no matter who it's coming from. I never thought "intolerant white people" when watching the video. I'm pretty sure many of us who thought the video is deplorable simply thought "intolerant people".

Why assume the actions are being criticized because the perpetrators are white?

Comment Expecting versus Accepting (Score 0) 606

The entirety of the greek system is racism and sexism in action. Give me a break with your feigned outrage.

So your argument is that since we should expect fraternities to be intolerant ( an unsubstantiated premise, but that's another argument ), then we should accept intolerance within these organizations?

Another example would be, since I expect the occasional murder in the city ( given the population size and crime statistics ), I should not be outraged when it occurs.

It always interests me how Slashdot deals with logic when discussing intolerance ( and H1Bs ) versus everything else.

Comment Ubuntu please get one thing right first! (Score 1) 43

I use Ubuntu as my workstation OS, and manage quite a few Ubuntu cloud instances ( among others ). There are so many small issues we have to deal with everyday. On the desktop side there minor "polish" issues, like settings that reset on reset ( e.g. Bluetooth radio ). There are random lockups ( I've tried several common systems, including one that came with Ubuntu). I have a brand new Dell XPS 15 coming in a week I hope fairs better.

The fact that there is no way to use hibernate. It's 2015 and we can't use hibernate! A basic OS feature.

On the server side, upstart is an absolute nightmare.

Ubuntu launches on every device that gains traction ( Ubuntu for tablets, phones, etc ). But it seems the basic OS is still very rough around basic edges. But I wish they would just give us a polished desktop. Even if it may cost more than Windows I'd personally pay for it.

Comment What really does it bring to the table? (Score 1) 82

On the client side, we really need a bytecode standard that will allow developers to choose from multiple language "frontends". That would take the major browser makers coming together on this like they did for HTML5.

On the backend, we have dozens of VMs to choose from. What does Go bring that Java and JVM target languages, Ruby, Python, etc does not already give us?

Comment Ebola obviously spreads more easily... (Score 0, Troll) 421

...than they're letting on.

I understand though that admitting this would cause a panic, especially since there is no working vaccine. But it's beginning to look like the "direct contact with bodily fluids only." thing is not entirely true. Unless the amount of fluids needed is small enough to be transmitted via a sneeze, cough or something similar.

Comment Java does this much better than C++ (Score 2) 365

I'm sadly working with Java services now, and we have a seriously problem in that there's no reasonable way to tell that a Java program is getting close to crashing due to memory exhaustion. In C++, you can just monitor heap size, and alarm based on values and trends and all that good predictive jazz.

Java has JMX which can be used to do this much better than C++ can ( at least without a ton of effort ).

With Java you get this all out of the box. You can point a JMX console to your Java Runtime and monitor with zero code. Or use package programmatically.

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