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Comment Re:Anecdotal (Score 1, Interesting) 236

This paper is crap. Not only is it not randomized, not blind nor double-blind, but their two groups of people were separated in time. That's right, after a certain point in time everybody started getting zinc sulfate. So we could attribute any improved outcome to the medical staff simply learning how to handle Covid-19 patients better, or to a change in the prevalent strain of the virus. There's so many confounding variables here I could hit one with a dart blindfolded (not sure why the dart wanted to be blindfolded, but it was also smoking a cigarette).

Comment Re: Too bad know one can see the effect (Score 4, Interesting) 43

Pelosi and House leadership decided not to reconvene because Covid-19 cases are still increasing in the District of Columbia.

Asked about the decision, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said during a separate news call: "We had no choice. If the Capitol physician recommends that we not come back, then we have to take that guidance in the interest of the safety of the people who work here.

"We could not take any chances," she added, noting that many people other than lawmakers work at the Capitol, such as office and custodial staff. https://www.nbcnews.com/politi...

Dear god, the horror. She actually cares about people she interacts with, even ordinary people.

Pelosi isn't refusing "to discuss remote options." She's bound by the current House rules. Typically House reps have to be physically present to be counted as part of a quorum. There is a provision for an emergency quorum, but it takes a minimum of 4 days to before legislative action can occur once initiated. https://www.washingtonpost.com... This pretty much blows away the single week that the House was planning on being away. So ironically, they'd have to meet in person in order to agree to meet remotely.

But thanks for turning this into more partisan bullshit, you're really helping.

Comment Re:Future MAGA hero (Score 3, Interesting) 181

Hint: if you hear coded messages in Trump's words, and you share this with his detractors, while those ambivalent on him like myself as well as his supporters do not hear those messages...

"Ambivalent" my ass. Here you are commenting on another story, https://slashdot.org/comments.... , defending Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant by posting an MSN story touting treatment of coronavirus with hydrogen peroxide inhalation. Your link is broken though, because MSN retracted the story, likely after finding out that the person promulgating this therapy, Thomas E. Levy, is a well-known quack. Why are you so afraid to admit that you're a Trump supporter?

Comment Re:You are missing a huge factor in calculations (Score 1) 288

Still pushing your shit hypothesis. You assumed 100% exposure and 100% testing. You assumed a 0% false negative rate. You likely assumed all testing was antibody testing, when it was likely, at that point in time, DNA testing if not just temperature-taking, the first of which would miss a recovered victim, and the latter which would miss an asymptomatic one. I'm not sure you are aware you even made these implicit assumptions.

Comment Re:We'll lose more lives from suicide than Covid-1 (Score 1) 288

Trump's heavy foot on the gas pedal of the economy meant we were going over the cliff one way or another. Unemployment was bound to rise. It's possible that the Trump economy would have led to a next great depression that would have been worse than the Covid-19 crisis, in which case it did us a favor and saved lives.

And also, if unemployment leads to suicide, and unemployment is an inevitable feature of capitalism, that points out a literal fatal flaw in capitalism and suggests the need for better social safety nets.

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