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Comment What if you're blind. (Score 2) 147

And the door is triple sized so the blind doesn't even know he walked through a door. What if it's a normal size door and he felt that he walked through something but being blind from birth, the door concept must have been real different from us.

Are they better at remembering things?

What if they change the experiment to automatic doors, glass vs. wood, etc. It'd be interesting.

Comment Re:Do they accept trade-ins? (Score 1) 127

Ah I was always talking about 1920x1080. I run 2x 24" LG here doing those res. When I had the 285 I was running 2x 20" at 1680x1050. Before that it was 2x 9800gt. SLI is a lie and it rhymes!

But yeah, get one. In fact get the old one and volt it 1.1V 900/1800 and leave the mem alone. Completely solid and made my BF3, all previous gen games so smooth. Skyrim lags a bit outdoor on high but perfectly playable. But DX11 makes it so beautiful.

When I got the 560 Ti, I had 580 money in my pocket ready to blow but they ran out of stock and I needed a card that night. He looked at me like a little addict. You know, work and stuff nowadays. No time to buy cards and fiddle with cable management anymore. The 560Ti is actually shorter than the 285 by quite a lot and on full load oc I get 62C on a CM690 case. So awesome. I don't even hear the fans.

Comment Re:Ready, fire, aim (Score 4, Interesting) 529

Your bank sucks bro. My DBS card center called me once on the suspicious activity right after the charge by an ID thief and with my approval proceed to reverse, cancel, cancel the card, issue me a new card in the mail while keeping the old account number all on the same phone call. I asked them how they know it wasn't me, they said they analyze my previous spending pattern (I only use my card for online payments) and notice this is a weird large sum offline payment. Totally wow'ed me omfg112 props!!

In the fierce competitive banking environment such as Hong Kong, people actually work hard to win your business.

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