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Comment Re:Experiments like these... (Score 1) 323

Apparently, the Soviets had the US navy communications code for the most part of the Cold War. If shit had hit the fan, the US navy would have been as successful as defending Pearl Harbor. It's just the same if they practiced in simulators and not fck up yet another ecosystem. Or you could sleep your nights just as well with a soviet-repelling rock under your pillow ;-)

Comment Re:Yeah, but what's the point? (Score 1) 394

You have good points but you also miss one important thing, the fact that nobody but the car makers themselves ran the industry into overcapacity and ensured their ruin. In Finland alone (where I happen to live) there's an estimated 100'000 cars waiting to be transported to Russian market but nobody is buying them. And there we were told for years now that cars were only manufactured to orders. Now THAT was bull.

Comment Re:History... (Score 1) 1190

What happened with the splendid republican governance that was protecting the so called economy from the horrible doom of environmentally sustainable living? That's right, they fucked it up big time! I mean goddamn, I hope people would forget the bullshit propaganda of "more oil burned, more standard of living" already.

Comment Re:History... (Score 1) 1190

The thing I have a problem with is that the "let's burn moar oil" folk won't listen to anyone until there is no "scientist" or politician left who disagrees with the climate change predictions. No consensus my ass.

Secondly they won't even consider any prediction until the models will predict with perfect accuracy their local weather at least one year in advance. Anyone in their fucking right mind would realize that's not possible. Thus only way they'll agree is after the I-told-you-sos. It was an unusually cold night last week, let's burn some moar motherfucking oil.

Good old GWB, god bless him, left US out of Kyoto stating that it would hurt their economy. Well as it turned out they didn't need Kyoto to do that after all! I mean who knows, maybe investing all that excess money to proper research of sustainable energy and industry would have saved the world this economic fuck-up.

Nothing like a short lil rant to bump up the global temperature. ;-)

Comment Re:There is money and publicity (Score 1) 1190

If we burned every possible gram a fossil fuel, would that not return Earth's conditions to what they were before the fossil fuels were formed in the first place? If that happened suddenly, it would be rather catastrophic, but not if it took place over many generations of humans.

Wtf? No! Are you serious?

Comment Re:kids and AI's... (Score 1) 412

For the longest time I've wanted to experiment with AI using the approach you stated. I've felt that the AI projects focused on finding a fixed set of "rules" to guide the AI are looking at it the wrong way.

My approach would basically consist of an AI that would: i) constantly attempt to learn new facts by trial and error (hypothesis, validation), ii) categorizing information into sets of objects (think Plato's metaphysics for example), iii) building knowledge of these objects by associating them into bits of meaning.

First step would be to build an AI engine that could categorize input, meditate on it, experiment with new ideas and validate them against its existing logic and knowledge. After that various input methods (senses) could be built: vision, hearing, etc. And why limit to "human senses"? How about infrared vision, recording vision, ultrasound hearing, etc. And of course the mighty internet.

The philosophy behind this would not to make a discussion bot that's waiting for one line of input and then produces a single line of output but rather an engine (a daemon that is) that is constantly churning away. The external link to the user would simply be one input for the AI. That's the basic idea in a nutshell anyway.

Comment Re:Been following this for awhile. (Score 1) 1240

Where I live (Finland) 400mg is OTC and prescription is 600-100mg.

The girl could have complained a massive migraine and asked the school nurse (who participated in the strip tease) for two pills. She probably had received them. Would she then have had to strip?

This is one of the biggest cases of WTF I've ever heard of.

Comment Re:Were nerds here... use the f'ing metric system (Score 1) 472

I have to agree with you there whole-heartedly. I mean just the other day the wifey told me it was +3C outside, when it was actually much closer to 3.51C. Imagine the discomfort I felt wearing my +3C sweater instead of the appropriate +4C sweater. It was a calamity that I truly hope my american friends will never have to face!

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