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Comment Re:better then the old flash + plugin webui (Score 1) 15

Adobe was making a BIG x-platform push with Flex-UI at the time. When you have Enterprise software deployed at that scale, development doesn't turn on a dime.

By the time the first vSphere FLEX client software was shipping, after almost 2 years of being tested for full functionality, it was already apparent how much Flash was a rapidly diminishing technology. HTML5 standards were at last at a readiness and maturity within these same couple of years.

vSphere/vCenter had been built over 8 years, with a couple of acquisitions in play. This also meant that building Flex-UI meant under-the-hood API projects, to get various storage and networking technologies, etc, close to a same page with API. The mandate to have an API for every UI function began there. Later the HTML5 client benefited from these efforts. Without Flex, this would have been another 2 years farther out!

Working at VMW was the best hitch I ever had at a company. I look back on these things with more appreciation and less frustration now days.

Comment Re:The Function Of Sex May Be Rooted In Reproducti (Score 1) 17

There was once a diverse set of interesting opinions in the journal keeping circle of /.
I didn't agree with many, but a sort of rationals basis could be counted upon, by a large number of users.
The few remaining tend to be real cranks, and as 20 years have passed, lost much of their capability to act or hold forth from anywhere but their familiar and increasingly self-referential corners.

I miss McGrew. He was one of the last real holdouts. His SF was interesting, and his working-class life chronicle was head-spinning and fascinating. He was well into his 60's, six or so years back. I hope he's alive and doing well.

Comment The Function Of Sex May Be Rooted In Reproduction (Score 1) 17

But its ridiculous and ignorant to believe that is the sole and single function, with every other value a secondary association or even a perversity.

Sexual contact and relationships are a vital part of interpersonal and social relationships in human societies, and this is not unique to human beings alone. The obvious and well-known findings about Bonobos come to mind, but there are similar studies with surprising findings about non-reproductive, vital and ultimately fitness-adapted sexual behaviors, including homosexual activity and asexual pairing, from octopuses to penguins and crows.

So it is also the case of parental adoption. Anecdotally, there are cats who have adopted baby geese, for christsake.

Unfortunately, we are saddled with a number of antiquated social guidelines - many of these being survival adaptations for bronze-age conditions in the near East that were re-interpreted under the urban mores of iron-age peoples. These were suitable parables, and may have promoted moral values and - for those admitting these - spiritual growth under their original contexts.

Today, these parables have mostly deteriorated into superstitions and folklore. Rather than guiding how people should best treat one another, they are most often used to evaluate correctness of opinion, and "objective" determination of how much one should dislike others. Especially those who do not regard such folklore parables as factual records.

All of these conditions and their framing serve to limit and degrade an ability - for both believers and detractors - to have clear thinking about topics related to human reproduction, the organization of family units, and the nature of their societies.

Comment HTML5 accidents-waiting-to-happen... (Score 1) 15

are no longer waiting!

It's hard to say this is a "poorly designed HTML-5 client", when writing client software is like an adversarial game of "gotcha", and your own best tools are designed like security puzzles, and no clear way to avoid such pitfalls.

On the other hand? The vulnerability is very severe, but it shouldn't even be possible, with decent secure operations practice, to reach vCenter and exploit it.

If you have untrusted and insecure endpoints that are able to contact your vCenter, then you likely have an environment with many more risks of equal severity present - and across more vendor technologies than just those by VMware. Of course, if you had SolarWinds in you same data center, those bets are off! LOL. If you're running vCenter, and cheaping on Solar Winds - that's a pity, when there's RedSeal Networks and even better, AlgoSec, at this level of secops management.

Overall, there’s a very good case made here, for East/West protection by NSX Datacenter, with it's distributed context firewall. This is the technology that basically invented microsegmentation as a viable use-case, and allowed zero-trust, down to the host-level of granularity. The security capabilities in NSX have been improving since they started in vShield. That's more than 10 years now.

So yeah. CYA.

Comment Re:Firefox here (Score 4, Interesting) 128

Exactly this.
Firefox is still the most customizable, personalized browser, with the best extensions for privacy and isolation that are supported by the browser's architecture.

Site containment, with tab isolation - as developed for FaceBook in FireFox - is a great example. The isolation of elements on pages of third parties, such as login and comment buttons, to API hooks are all disabled, and permitted pages and elements are sandboxed from other tabs, without access to history, cookies, location, etc.

This spawned an ecosystem of tab-isolators for Twitter, Google, Amazon, YouTube and others, based on the same source.

This is one of nearly a dozen examples where FireFox has no real comparison. The Mozilla Foundation isn't perfect, but it is not fully warped by the economics of major corporations like Google, Microsoft and Apple, towards the compromise or capture of the user's electronic identity and behavior.

Comment This is nonsensical (Score 1) 1

This is either flawed analysis or flubbed tech reporting.

Command and control servers do not need to be contacted by name lookup. These have been typically coded as IPs, for obvious reasons. Some of these include, DNS hosters can be used to identify the registered owners, DNS as a requirement offers a weakest-link in takedown orders, and DNS queries generate traffic that can be easily used to identify infected endpoints.

The article also states that the C and C hosts are on TOR. A DNS lookup is useless in identifying .onion addresses.

My take is to keep using DoH at home. Mine's on the gateway.

Comment They are all kind of crap (Score 1) 1

Bluehost was the best cheapie I found. They all become expensive if you want shell access, and I have made do without, combined cPanel, webdav and ol' FTP.

I had Powweb, which is dirt-cheap. Not worth the hassles. And they dumbed down cPanel to unusable, for selling their expensive services, instead.

Even Bluehost makes cPanel tough to locate, behind their "simple" interface. But they have good WordPress hosting, and you can override their guard-rails, if you're comfortable self-supporting most of it. There's a good setup for auto-creation of staging sites to test changes, too.

Good luck.

Comment This is nonsensical! (Score 3, Insightful) 67

"How do we make this screwdriver a better socket wrench"?

These are tools. You don't go chasing different jobs for the sake of promoting a particular tool. That's almost the definition of putting the cart before the horse. If there are excellent client side syntax and interpreters for a class of cases, the worst use of engineering hours is to adapt another, less suitable language perform the same work with additional complexity.

My professional career has spanned a bit more than the life cycle of Java to date. I've seen other technologies come and go, in that time. It's reasonable to see that Java, having once spilled into many niches, will last decades into the future as a business computing language that superseded COBOL. Meanwhile, many things that Java inspired or suggested became a part of newer tools, better suited for web clients or simply more fortuitous in timing.

The conclusion is, if you want to develop client-side libraries and applications, work in JS, instead of extending the wrong tool for the wrong job.

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