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Comment Re:Harry Potter director? (Score 5, Insightful) 303

Jackson did a great job with bringing Middle-Earth to life in sets and costumes, but that hurdle has largely been crossed. The Hobbit needs someone who can take the sets and costumes and tell a story.

Peter Jackson managed to take the LOTR trilogy and make it a critical and popular success, winning both box office awards AND the OSCAR for BEST PICTURE. Let me repeat that--he took a trilogy of orcs, elves, dwarves, and hobbits and managed to win an academy award for best picture. That isn't just great film making--that is a freaking miracle

Comment Tools (Score 1) 342

I tend to be more of a purist, preferring to hand code things. But that doesn't mean I ignore the tools in my toolbox.

My high school computer engineering teacher always reminded us that it's easier when you have the right tool for the job. Using a Philips screwdriver to pry a paint can open isn't going to work very well.

In the same way, visual editors, text editors, debuggers, etc. are tools. What you, and your son really need to ask is given a situation, is which tool works best for the job? It's not about inferiority, it's about recognizing in what situations does it have its strengths, and other tools have their weaknesses.

You can expand this mindset to management as well, but you may not want to refer to your employees as tools. A good manager will recognize the strengths of his/her staff and use his/her employees appropriately. If an employee is under performing, it's quite possible the manager is not using that "tool" correctly (not always true, but good managers will ask this). Sounds like your son might be progressing down the entrepreneur route, so this would be a good lesson to keep in mind.

Comment Take up rock climbing (Score 1) 335

Or do a team sport. Not that it will help you get a job on its own, but much of candidate evaluation also depends on the fit for the team you are applying to. Most of my learning how to be on a team came from hockey growing up. (BTW, I said rock climbing because it's a great trust building activity, and if you're use to working solo it forces you to depend on others/help others which is absolutely necessary).

Comment Andrea (Score 1) 448

I have an Andrea headset I find fairly comfortable ( The only thing I dislike is that the mic seems to require a battery power pre-amp that has no on-off switch, so the battery dies often. Otherwise, I like the sound, and the mic quality is pretty good. I wouldn't consider it an audiophile headset though.

Comment Re:Errr... you do realise .... (Score 1) 535

... that those tribesmen 2000 years ago would have been jewish , right? So where does the christian bashing come into it?

"If you want to know why readership has declined significantly, here is an example."

Yeah right, because most of /. 's readership are churchgoing evangelists.


Get over yourself.

Well not anymore. Actually, I think the only people left are sanctimoniousness jerks who live in an echo chamber.

Comment Re:He was too ambitious (Score 0) 535

Except it's not a translation of the word of God, but a translation of a bunch of superstitious middle-eastern tribesmen from 2000 odd years ago (or more).

I find it extremely sad that Slashdot has declined to the point where any random Christian-bashing is modded +5 Insightful, instead of off-topic. If you want to know why readership has declined significantly, here is an example.

Comment Re:I trust parents more than government (Score 1) 1007

The only people I trust less than qualified, vetted, officials is uneducated jackasses pretending to understand the world around them when really they are just ignorant twits. There is a mantra from conservatives "They think they know better than you!". Um, yep. I think the scientists and knowledgeable health professionals "know better" than the backward backwater assholes who raise their children as if it were the year 1512.

I am very much pro-vaccination. I do have to point out it wasn't a "uneducated conservative" who started this mess, but Andrew Wakefield who was considered a "knowledgeable scientist and health professional". And there are thousands of examples where the scientists and medical professionals were wrong and/or completely changed their consensus (ex. breastfeeding bad/good). Someone breastfeeding in 1969/1970 may have been considered a ignorant, backwater redneck for choosing archaic breastfeeding over the scientifically developed, precision method of delivering nutrition that is Infant Formula.

Comment Frontpoint (Score 5, Informative) 508

We were broken into about 5 weeks ago. I originally considered Frontpoint about 5 months ago, but we kept putting it off. It's the only security company that had mediocre to good reviews consistently.

They have a few options - what you're looking for is their "ultimate" version, which includes cameras. It streams online I believe, and you can turn on/off the security system from your phone or their web page.

They do not send out a rep to do installation, instead they ship the system to you (they'll probably upgrade you to next day shipping for free if you mention you just had a burglary) and you set it up yourself. It took me about 15 minutes to set up, although I had to re-glue some of the door sensors.

When you call, or email, their sales agents don't try to upsel you. They work with what you want, and try to assess your needs based on how you describe your house. If you want an extra sensor for something, they are happy to give it to you - but they will want to know why, and if they don't think it's needed, they'll try to talk you out of it. I had the feeling they actually cared about my interests, and not selling me more equipment.

They also follow up on any feedback you provide, and actively try to resolve issues. I'm really happy with them. They use for monitoring.They also have additional styles of sensors that the average joe doesn't care about (ones that you install in the door, rather than putting on the outside of the door - i.e. invisible), but you need to ask. They try to keep it simple.

Comment Re:Estate tax (Score 1) 1065

But I do think billion-dollar estates should be taxed--a lot. The wife and kids (if any) did not create wealth. They deserve money, but so do we.

1. Using the term wife and not spouse or partner is sexist and assumes that only men can create large value estates.
2. You cannot assume that a spouse or partner did not assist in the creation of wealth. In divorce proceedings, there is something called "Reimbursement Alimony" whereby the spouse is compensated for their contribution to the other spouse's career.
3. Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution abolished slavery. You do not "deserve" anyone else's money.

Comment Re:If rule by corporations bothers you (Score 1) 1002

Slightly off-topic but if you are asking "what can I do" and you want to get at the root cause, not the symptom, you might want to check out the Move to Amend.

Do you realize if the "Move to Amend" passed, then what Google/Amazon/etc are doing could and would be illegal! Heck, this very Slashdot post would be illegal since it could be construed to influence an election and a forum could be argued as not meeting the criteria as "press".

Comment Re:*yawn* (Score 1) 294

The thing is, it's only Republican legislaters that are so darn against the millionaire's surtax.

Actually, the money is coming out of Social Security not the general budget. The argument for SS is that it is a government managed retirement fund and that what you get out is based on what you put in. Receiving SS benefits is equivalent to a 401k or pension in that you get what you earned.

Making millionaires contribute to SS is changing the meaning of what it is, from something I earned to getting other peoples' money. This actually makes it less secure because it takes away the moral aspect of receiving SS benefits. It goes from something I earned to wanting other peoples' money. Which makes it easier for politicians to cut benefits in the future.

Comment Re:$40 figure is bullshit (Score 3, Informative) 294

Isn't the White House saying $40 / paycheck or did I miss something? For those of us who have real jobs, we get paid once every 2 weeks. Hence, $40 / paycheck is just over $1000 / year.

Quote from Obama

"[On] Tuesday, we asked folks to tell us what would it be like to lose $40 out of your paycheck every week. "

A more important deception is that it is a reduction in the amount taxpayers pay into Social Security--NOT the general budget. This is more akin to reducing the amount of 401k withholdings than a tax break because you will have to make it up later one way or another--either through reduced SS benefits or increased SS taxes to make up for the deficit.

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