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Comment Re:Thanks, $15 minimum wage! (Score 1) 266

Yes, it was going to happen. Why? Because having to check out is a bad user experience.
I do not want to wait in line at the store. I also do not want to wait for the waitress to bring my check, take my card, and bring back my check?
Does this mean that people must go unemployed? Not really the staff can be used to keep the shelves stocked, the store clean, and help customers find products.
As to complaints that the minimum wage is not enough to raise a family? You are right it is not and was never meant to be. You are supposed to make minimum wage when you are in school or if you have no skills. It is supposed to be enough for one person to survive on or to supplement a spouses income. Frankly, the service that I get from minimum wage workers is already so bad that I do not see the point in increasing it.

Comment Re:What did you THINK would happen? (Score 1) 428

No, you are wrong.
The police went in after being told that someone had MURDERED his father and was holding his mother and sister hostage.
The police went in with the intention of saving the hostages and a male walked out the door and they made a mistake.
Had the call been real the officer would have been a hero.
The intent of the SWATER was to commit a felony for money and or the LOLs.
The officer should lose his job the SWATER should go to jail for a very long time.

Comment Re: A shame, really (Score 1) 110

The XBOX One + Connect was one of Microsoft's missed opportunities.
It could have been an ideal smart home hub as well as a game system. It had very good voice control as well as the motion sensing. The Xbox has standard USB ports so you could have added any interface you wanted to it for home control.
Add in the fact that they never really made it a viable Roku competitor for video or ever got a good music service going and it just becomes so sad.
Kind of like WindowsPhone which was a good OS but lacked apps. Mainly Google Apps. What can I say if you have a phone OS it makes sense to support people with more market share than you do but not less.
Hense Apple supporting iTunes on Windows and Google support iPhone.

Comment The FOSS replacements for Office don't complete. (Score 1) 284

Simple OpenOffice and Libre Officer are just not nearly as good as Microsoft Office. I use Linux every day for work but I also have a Windows PC just for Office and Skype for Business, Google Docs, OpenOffice, and Libre Office are just not as good as Microsoft Office. Until it is it people will use OS/X and Windows.

Comment Re:The Russians. (Score 2, Insightful) 442

Pretty much. One of the worst to hit FL was in the 1920s. If you point to a hurricane and scream climate change you are an idiot. If you point to a bad winter and say look global warming is a fraud your an idiot.
PS this Post is coming to you from South East Florida, Irma is so annoying. On the West Coast and Keys it is terrible.

Comment Re:Sadly he became a Trumpist in his last days (Score 1) 221

I think you are mistaken. He supported Pascal and Modula-2 over c because he felt they were safer languages. C++ smart pointers and other new features show that he was probably on to something. He was not a programmer and never claimed to be.
He did write some software in S-Basic for CP/M. He was very pro CP/M, Apple, and Atari but did not like Commodore at all. He had his biases like most of us. He would call the Apple bomb error message whimsical but the Amiga Guru meditation error childish. I think that it had to do with Commodore not being a West Coast company so he didn't have any personal connection to it.
He would review lots of software and hardware from a users point of view and was always fun to read.
BTW I make my living as a C++ programmer and I have used C for a long time. I like them both but they are not for the faint of heart and frankly, if you write an accounting system in it you are doing it wrong.

Comment Re:Fry speech (Score 1) 677

I wonder how many people said that but replaced Nazi with Jew.

I really do not like the KKK, Neo Nazis, regular Nazis, people that called for G. W. Bush's death, shoot up a bunch of Republican senators, or vilified president Obama.
Truth is that as a register they should not have to option to refuse any domain that is not breaking the law.
The real truth is that GoDaddy and Google are getting a ton of free publicity by doing this. It makes them look like good guys. However, it is also giving this tiny website that almost no one has ever heard about a lot of free publicity and probably drove up their hits to infinity and beyond.

Comment Re:Trump isn't the problem (Score 1) 430

You do realize that it was a gun toting Sanders supporter that opened fire on a bunch of Republicans playing baseball. http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/14/...
You're holier than thou attitude is every bit as much of the problem. The Democrats put up just about the only person on the planet that could not beat Donald Trump.

Comment Re:It is not going to work (Score 1) 430

"The White House and most if not all Senators and Congressmen have web pages for many years and have never given up the right to control what goes on them."
Except this is a twitter feed. The president does not own it.
"Free speech does not mean that the government has to publish whatever you want to say. When the president gives a speech he does not have to give up the microphone to you."
Except the president has given the mike to people and then jerked it away from anyone that says something he does not like.
If he banned everyone that would be difffernt

Comment Re:Economics of Suppression [Re:Factory is a "Pred (Score 1) 389

No, you are wrong.
Men, in general, need to grow up and act like men and not teenage boys.
Sure I notice beautiful women when I see them but I keep my mouth shut and treat them with respect. Just because they are pretty does not mean they can not be brilliant at their jobs. It also doesn't mean that they can not be friends and trusted co-workers.

In other words, learn to act like a gentleman and not like an oversexed teenager or I am sorry to say like the current president of the the US.

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