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Comment Re:preference != (smart || restraint) (Score 1) 618

Many people don't actually need mobile phones at all. In the beginning, only people who actually needed to be called anytime and anywhere got one. As it got cheaper, some people convinced themselves that it'd be nice to have in an emergency. Then it got even cheaper, and more people got one because it's more convenient than looking for a pay phone. Today, it's pretty hard to find a pay phone, so unless you really couldn't afford a mobile phone, you got one.

If you look at internet services, you'll see the same pattern. We're not yet at the stage where postal service is shut down (there will probably always be packages to send), but we're certainly at the stage where people consider email cheap and convenient.

I don't foresee any reason why mobile networked services would not follow this progression.

Comment Re:Programming should begin with OO - yes really! (Score 1) 709

OTOH, I think that the ease of expressing structure in functional, OO, and procedural languages makes any of those models better than old-school BASIC for teaching introductory programming in a context where the intent is to focus on designing solutions to problems.

I disagree. I think the beginner does not want to design anything, much less a complex software system. I think the beginner wants to learn how to make the computer follow some instructions, like add some numbers, or move a square from one part of the screen to another.

The rest of CS is very important, but they are only important for big programs. Just as bubble sort is perfectly adequate for an array of 10 items, splitting a program into functions only really helps when you're in the hundreds of lines of code, and OO really only begins to make sense in the thousands of lines of code. IOW, I think there's something in letting beginners make the same mistakes that our pioneers did, just before teaching them methods to avoid those mistakes.

Comment Re:It will only get worse, but is that a bad thing (Score 1) 405

When making an important decision, it is natural to desire as much information as possible in order to make the best possible decision.

The information given to a jury is carefully and deliberately controlled for a reason. The withheld information may be prejudicial or even illegally-obtained, and therefore should not be considered. Since humans are not very good at mentally excluding such evidence, we don't tell juries about them at all.

Comment Re:TMI (Score 1) 586

Because, for example, although somebody like Karzai can't be too surprised that the US doesn't really like or trust him, knowing exactly how much is extremely important. Enough to topple him? Enough to abandon him? Enough to assassinate him? Do you actually propose telling him if any of the three are true?

Comment Re:What does being old have to do with it? (Score 3, Insightful) 257

I fear you fail to understand the reason behind the "demotion." What we call it has never made any real difference in what Pluto does or does not do. The only use of these names is to help us understand them better. As such, the terrestrial planets share much in common, the gas giants share much in common, and Pluto shares little with either group. Thus, if you're saying that all Pluto-like objects should be called "planets", it would make some sense except that there are lots of them. If you're saying that Pluto alone should be a planet while similar objects are not, then that's a far less defensible position.

Comment Re:No surprise (Score 1) 650

Seriously, you're going to say that there's a simple answer to millions of people with no opportunities in life outside of crime? We've locked up lots of minorities and lots of drug users, how's that working so far?

What I'm trying to point out is that the kind of country we have in the future depends on far more than just your well-educated kids. It requires millions and millions of well-educated kids.

Comment Re:No surprise (Score 1) 650

No, you're coming from a position of moral fairness, which is a fine viewpoint, but not the only valid one. I'm sure you can raise fine children, but did you ever consider that the children you refuse to help educate today can grow up to become criminals who prey on your hardworking and successful children? How do you suppose your children will thrive in a country where most voters are illiterate and bad at math anyway?

Comment Re:"Alice" one of the best learning languages toda (Score 1) 330

I wouldn't recommend BASIC or LISP for someone wanting to learn modern object-oriented programming today.

I don't completely agree. A true beginner doesn't really need to understand how to structure a large program, which is what the modern principles are for. The first goal should be to write "linear" programs of the input-process-output model, learn the basic control structures and operators, and how to debug. From that foundation, you could go one way and learn how things work "under the hood" and try C or even assembly, or the other direction to learn how to build large programs (such as OO, patterns, etc).

Thus, I actually think BASIC (not line-numbered BASIC, the modernized ones) sweeps enough of both under the rug so that the beginner can concentrate on dealing with the code logic itself.

Comment Re:P.S. (Score 1) 212

Every iPod came with a Firewire connector until 2005, and every Macintosh produced between 1995 and 2008 included a firewire port.

Which is because we're talking about USB 1.1 in those days, when the 400 Mbps that Firewire provided exceeded both USB and Ethernet. Today, in a world of USB 2.0 and gigabit ethernet, Firewire has mostly outlived its uniqueness.

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