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Comment Re:Chinese fragility in full force. (Score 3, Informative) 72

Indeed, people should take in the full context here, not just platitudes. They should look at how China has interacted with Europe and the US in the context of world wars, trade wars, cultural exchange and economic interdependence. ...then they should call Xi on his tantrums and fragility. He chooses to be this way.

Comment Uh.... wrong. In the US, anyway. (Score 2) 240

It is not cheap at all!

Only if you steal money from us, by not adding the costs of dealing with the waste for literally tens of thousands of years, so we have to pay for it instead.
It is theft and should be punished like theft.

This sort of scheme is fueling likely most of the organised crime, err I mean for-profit psychopath corporations on this planet.

Not sure who you're railing against, because you are incorrect as far as the US goes.

In the US, the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 obligated the Department of Energy to provide long-term storage of nuclear waste, and it funded this mandate with a per-kilowatt-hour tax on nuclear fuel. The funds thus collected paid for about 75% of the Yucca mountain facility construction, with the other 25% paid by the federal government in order to store waste products of nuclear weapons production.

The fund collected from these taxes currently stands at about $45 billion dollars. With the delays in opening Yucca mountain, nuclear waste from energy production is currently sitting around the country in dry fuel storage facilities at individual nuclear sites.

Comment Re:Hate speech doesn't exist (Score 1) 334

Silencing other's voices because you don't like what they say is the definition of intolerance.

Explain why hate speech deserves tolerance. But first, a rebuttal.

Let's split this cake the old-fashioned way. You get your anti-hate speech laws, and then I get to define what constitutes hate speech.

Oh? You thought to keep all this power to yourself?

Comment Do you read what you cite? (Score 1) 113

Maybe you mean "Why didn't the company that's responsible for the damned dam fix the damned dam?"

I found a USA today article with the quote you cited in it, and the article says why: They claimed they couldn't come up with $8,000,000 to do so, and they sought money from the community to do the work. Doing some back of the envelope calcs about the potential revenue from a 4.8 MW hydro plant, and knowing nothing about Boyce's other holdings, this is a credible claim on it's face. Certainly after their ability to sell electricity as a FERC participant was terminated, their financial abilities decreased further.

But if you're trying to let the governor off the hook, the USA Today article you cited has another interesting quote:
"With its power permit revoked, the Edenville Dam's regulation fell to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy. However, an EGLE inspection of the dam in October 2018 found it in "fair" condition, despite FERC's alarming findings only about a month earlier."

Comment 'Dog whistling' = I can read minds and accuse! (Score 3, Insightful) 483

'Dog whistling' is the new version of 'THAT'S RACIST'; it's the argument of last resort when the lefty has no real arguments for their position.

Since there's no basis for the charge of 'dog whistling' besides the sentiment of the accuser, it can only be an attempt to shut down all conversation through shaming.

For everyone else reading, if someone accuses you of being racist or engaging in 'racist dog-whistling', thank them for their surrender in the current debate. It's just another ad-homonym attack when they've run out of intelligently founded arguments.

I swear some of these people have been pathologically conditioned to fall back on 'RACIST' whenever their destructive ideas are effectively challenged.

Comment Pretty simple answer, really. (Score 1) 175

No, European style education is not bare-bones, yet somehow our prices are much more competitive. Why is that?

Because the federal government tries to 'help' by making more money available, by way of grants and low-interest, unbankruptle loans, which has enabled colleges to raise prices by the amount of the 'help.'
The money available by this 'help' has increased at a rate far above inflation, so the cost of colleges has likewise increased. Sure, most of the colleges involved are 'non-profit', but the people running them still like high salaries, huge staffs, and fancy buildings.

Comment So what are you going to leave behind? (Score 1) 284

Gates' family were already millionaires and Gates had the freedom to fail and to put years of work into Microsoft without needing to see a dime from it. He also had a number of connections that the average person didn't that allowed him certain "ins" at IBM to get his software in front of the right eyes. Paul Allen enjoyed similar wealth and safety nets - don't forget he and Gates became friends when they met at the same private school they both attended.

... I sure as hell didn't have the luxury of not having to bring money in the door when I started out working, I had rent to pay and food to buy.

Then, I suppose, the question is this- Are you going to build a legacy your kids can build further from? Or are you going to contribute to class warfare and jealousy, and ensure no crabs get out of the bucket?

Comment Say what? (Score 1) 206

Why not require drivers to disclose whether they carry a weapon (and do so in the app, ahead of time). And let riders pick whether they prefer gun-carrying or non-gun-carrying drivers. That would be both more fair and allow riders to make educated choices.

So, if you're out looking to hurt someone, then you select an unarmed driver. It makes victim selection so much easier.

Statements like yours baffle me. Do you think the only dangerous people out there are law abiding citizens who own firearms? You do know there are real, actual people out there with evil in their hearts who look to do terrible things to others?

Owning a gun to protect yourself from such evil is a legitimate and even desirable thing. Some people are only kept in check by the prospect of an immediate, lethal response to the wickedness they'd like to do. And if they aren't stopped by the prospect of an armed response, they may well be stopped by that actual armed response. Usually an armed response doesn't end with someone dying; the credible threat is enough.

Comment Thank you for the answer! (Score 1) 270

I'll take that as a yes, you live among Democrats in a Democratic party controlled area. You're surrounded by lefties, and you're all terrible to each other.
Your politics requires that you view yourself as more moral then anyone who disagrees with you, so if all you progs are vicious and nasty to each other, you must believe that people you disagree with are far, far worse.
May this haze of hate leave you sooner rather than later.

Comment Fans can't overreact to the flaws.. (Score 3, Insightful) 192

... of the Last Jedi, because they're the end customers. The product was purportedly made for them.
If the customers aren't happy the product is bad. And The Last Jedi was bad. The writers, producer and director made it perfectly clear they hate Star Wars, they hate the fans, and they really hate men.
May the film be remade and the producer and directors names be stricken from Star Wars history.
The Rise of Skywalker would have been better if they didn't lose so much time cleaning up the mess of Episode 8.

Comment Oh get off it. (Score 2) 277

He's 'transphobic' only if you redefine 'phobia' to include 'dislike' and 'disagreement' on top of the actual definition of 'irrational fear.'
That points to a big problem these days. The hard left keeps redefining words to ensure their innocence and every one else's guilt. When you're talking to someone who is 'woke' you can't be sure there's agreement on the meaning of words, let alone anything else, so piercing their newspeak becomes damn near impossible.

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