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Comment Re:Isn't that political censorship? (Score 0) 164

By this logic, if i make a party whose primary platform is to be against bank security systems, I can legally just take whatever I want?


we all inherently know that "religious exemptions" for good laws are BS. Political excemptions should be no different. The correct answer is: build support, get into government, change the laws.

Comment This is not something I want in my life (Score 1) 144

Are there some legitimate business applications for this? Sure. a few. Not many.

Do i want this thing in my life, personal or otherwise? Well, I'll tell you what - the day that I need a glorified gopro camera to show people what i'm eating for lunch in real time, just shoot me already. You know those douchebags who wear those bluetooth phones in their ears? Goglass wearers will come accross as douchebags to them - kind of like douchebag squared for us normals.

Comment Re:Fingers crossed (Score 1, Insightful) 93

and if you're anything like the dozen or so people i've met who also claim to be making ridiculous amounts of money on online poker, you aren't either. in my experience, online poker players are particularly likely to overexaggerate their winnings while not mentioning their losses. furthermore, nearly all such players try to tell me of the sites where there are many novice/donk players out there that can be reliably won from. none of these claims stand up to any sort of serious scrutiny for a number of reasons, and there is excellent reason to suggest that as with brick and mortar casinos, the only people consistently making good coin are the casinos themselves or the russian hackers who extort them.

Comment Re:Gamers are not idiots ... (Score 5, Insightful) 393

Or maybe it's that when you amortize the cost of a video game compared to most other forms of popular entertainment, video games work out incredibly cheaply per unit time of entertainment and so the total spend of a typical gamer per year is actually very low. Furthermore, perhaps you, or if not you then others it this thread, are basing your idea of getting "ripped off" by comparing the free market costs of goods (which is essentially what we have here, despite nonsense or hyperbolic claims of 'addiction') against the "piracy costs" as some of you have conditioned yourself that the cost of digital entertainment "should" be near zero.

I don't play many games. I'm a WW2 enthusiast and there haven't been many shooters lately. But in general for about the price of a decent restaurant meal I could get a WW2 shooter that would keep me occupied for 40+ hours (of my life that I can never get back, but that's a different story). I have no problem with this and I further have no problem in technological means to prevent against re-license - or have you all been asleep to what this has done to prices in the ios app market and also in places like steam?

Comment Muddling the issue (Score 1) 87

Is this going to be more muddling of a complex issue where people contend that swartz was "stealing what the taxpayers had already paid for" because some percentage of the research of JSTOR was funded with grants? are we really going to let people in this thread make that extreme oversimplification of the issue yet again here?

Comment Re:What's more likely? (Score 1) 1862

I'm confused. Let's say we ban, say, kiddy porn. Does the fact that kiddy porn can be made at home instead of commercially make a kiddy porn ban less correct or viable?

If you disagree with the banning of certain magazines - fine. But the fact that you might be able to print them at home has no theoretical bearing on the issue.

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